A case study on “Gaga for Wawa.”

Case Analyses Submission Guidelines & Rubric
Case analyses should be approached as though you are a marketing manager whose responsibility it is to assess the situation and present three long-term strategies to the board of directors. Based on your understanding of the case and external research on the CURRENT situation, what are the three best strategies to revitalize and/or improve public perception to the same target market and/or alternative markets? Please do not limit yourself to the specifics of the case when formulating your strategies. Think 'BIG PICTURE' (ethical objectives, internal/external factors, complementary products/industries, sustainability, alternative products/services, cultural assessment, pricing changes, etc.).
Your strategic recommendations should be 1) measurable and 2) broad enough to encompass the direction of the brand for at least 5 years. At the same time, analyses should explain IN DETAIL the logic and process behind implementing such initiatives. Please do not provide vague recommendations. Please use the critical thinking rubric below as a guideline and checklist for your submissions.
A case study on “Gaga for Wawa. 

1.      Identified and Explained Issues

Gaga for Wawa was originated as a milk-based company who provided a high-quality milky products since 1803. But the management of its corporation identified that the market shares of this company were continuously decreasing, due to an increase in a large number of competitors in the America market. There were many issues behind their loss like they had weak advertisement techniques, as they were producing healthy milk products but people did show their interest in purchasing this company’s products. In the yearly basis, different methods were derived by the company in order to enhance the taste of the milk products like homogenization and pasteurization. In 1908, Wawa Company was certified by the doctors that its unpasteurized milk was no longer stood. After this there was a loss in the milk market is faced by the company and in order to overcome it, this company started to producing different milking products (Hunter, 2018).
The company was continuously struggling towards improving its selling in the red ocean milk where it took over than $50,000 loan for its major project. After this, when the company saw towards other business opportunities like fuel, gas and convinces, it started to move towards them. And now in the current scenario, its food service business is the weakest business among food, connivance and fuel. It is because there is a misconception among the customers regarding its company’s products that the fuel based company can never produce a healthy product.
There are also many issues regarding the foodie products of the company like chocolate milk, cottage, whipping cream, skim milk, cheese, eggs, orange, bacon and butter. It only focuses on breakfast based food items that reduce its opportunities to earn more profit in this area where people do not eat breakfast. Now there is an alarming situation in front of its management to tackle this situation more effectively and earn a profit. There is a need for appropriate marketing strategies in order to overcome this misconception in the market.

2.      Recognizes Stakeholders and Contexts

The major stakeholder of the company is its employees, customers, shareholders and suppliers. Employees want a good salary package; shareholders want profit and customer want high-quality products at reasonable prices. All of its stakeholders having different priority factors. Like its management wants to make such risky steps in the operating activities like the production of new innovative foodie item in the market which has market demand. But in that case, most of the risk-averse shareholders do not want to do some risky project in this industry because most of the time, the company bear losses in this industry and there is a high margin of the risk factor in this business. So in this way, the conflict creates among the manager and stakeholders.
This Wawa Company always gives some compensation to its employees who worked hard in the workplace but sometimes, do not accurately considered what the demand of the target market. The customer is considered as one of the major stakeholders who plays an important part in the company’s profit. But this company is failed to attract a large number of customers of the foodie market to enjoy its company’s product, and in the result, it bears loss (Hunter, 2018).

3.      Takes Intellectual Risk

In this stage, there is a need to make some effective strategies in order to overcome the misconception of the customer regards the milk-based products, and there is a need to make some bold step to maintain the future of the company. The management of Wawa Company must do a proper homework regarding the market demand and compare the demand with the company’s expense ratio and derive a return on equality ratio so that the risk factor can easily derived at the beginning of the new marketing project. After analyzing the situation of the company, it comes to realize that there is a need for proper and innovative advertising channel of the company. There is also a need for proper selling strategies in different parts of the country (Grzegorczyk, 2017).
The company of Wawa must work on the proper identification of deal brokers in order to overcome the customer’s hesitation of purchasing the products. The company should concentrate on small victories so that by the foot-in-the-door approach, the misconception regarding the product of a company can be overcome. The third strategy is to focus on the continuous innovation in the milky products so that the need to discover the market demand in America. In addition, the management should hire attractive brand ambassadors in their products ads that will create a positive image in the mind of the customers. So, in the current era, the management of the company can also apply the Blue Ocean Strategy in their marketing activities so that more creative ideas are generated in the mind of the management.

4.      Evaluate Assumptions

When the proper paid marketing, word of mouth and blue ocean strategies are applied by the Wawa Company’s management, then the loss of the company in their foodie items can be overcome, and future of the company become secure. But before the implementation, there is a need to proper homework where all the cause and effect relationship is considered. There is an assumption that the productivity of the company is increasing up to 50% if there is a proper implementation of attractive marketing strategies regarding milk products.
If the company does some social work in the surrounding, then there will be a positive word of mouth in the market and misinterpretation regarding their quality product can be overcome. There is an estimation that from 2019 to 2023, the company will 10% increase its shares values in the trade market. This Blue Ocean Strategy regarding smart marketing techniques with the cost-cutting approach will reduce the threat of a company from loss.

5.      Innovation Thinking

Innovative thinking enhances the performance of the company by making a regular improvement in the manufacturing and marketing strategy. In the case of Wawa Company, there is a need to make something new and attractive that captures a large number of customers in a more attractive and proper way. There are many innovative ways of marketing approaches in front of Wawa Company to follow like by giving its customer the inside Scoop and tier the customers towards creativity. There is a need the develop the design thinking in order to solve the complex problems and find out the desired solution for clients.
 So the framework of this innovative marketing is passed through six major steps like 1) Discover, 2) Re-Frame Opportunity, 3) Incubate, 4) Ideate/ illuminate, 5) Evaluate/ refine ideas, 6) Rapid Prototype/ test, 7) Deliver and 8) Iterate & Scale (Naiman, 2018). This framework is based on solving the problem of selling issue in the market. These steps will help to plant, grow and harvest the profit of the company. This structural framework is properly worked only when all the key factors regarding the new technology, is critically analyses and then the above marketing strategies are adopted on the basis of their relativeness. The Wawa Company must adopt the cycle of design thinking like fully observe the situation, framing the scope and opportunity, generating new testing, ideas and then refining solution

6.      References

Grzegorczyk, W. (2017). New Marketing Concepts in Marketing Strategies on International Markets. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Section H. Oeconomia, 51(2), 97-104.
Hunter, J. (2018). Gaga for Wawa: Blue Ocean Retailing. Blue Ocean Strategy Institute.
Naiman, L. (2018). Design thinking as a Strategy for Innovation. Retrieved from Creativity at Work: https://www.creativityatwork.com/design-thinking-strategy-for-innovation/

Table of Contents

Case Introduction

Wawa started as an iron foundry and made its way through the competitive market into the dairy line. It sold fresh milk with the aim to provide fresh, purified and with home delivery aspects. It continued with the times and adopted pasteurization. Wawa started convenience stores and after that, it entered the gasoline line. The times demanded Wawa to adopt new product lines and it started quick service restaurants at the gasoline stations along with the small convenience stores. Wawa adopted Blue Ocean Strategy and changed the gasoline stations to quick service restaurants which offered convenience stores and gasoline services. Wawa became the 34th biggest company in America and it competed with the bigger brands like McDonald’s (Olenick, Kim & Mauborane, 2018).

Current Situation

Wawa is at the top of its success with 720+ outlets and within them, more than 450 outlets offer gasoline too along with food and convenience items which are considered to be most risky but have high potential of growth. Wawa has sandwiches, coffee, gasoline, chips, its own farmed milk, cheese, juice and some other products like these. Wawa has achieved the maturity stage of business lifecycle and to avid the decline stage, it needs new strategies which would cope with the future requirements and keep the company at the top for at least next 5 years. Wawa adopted Blue Ocean Strategy and it coped with the risks of this business sector ("50 Years & Counting: Look Back on Wawa Memories & Milestones | Wawa", 2019).
This report will devise marketing strategies for Wawa which can be adopted to cope with the competition for next 5 years.

Marketing Strategies

The marketing strategies for Wawa are devised using ‘Ansoff’s Product-Market Expansion Grid’ (Gurcalylar & Aksoy, 2018).

Figure 1: Ansoff's Grid

Recommendation 1: Product Development

First recommendation is the product development. This means that the new product line is added in the same market developed by Wawa. The recommended product is ‘Consumer Electronics’.

Logic for Recommendation

The logic for this recommendation is that Wawa has already satisfied customers in its vicinity. They trust the name Wawa. With the new competitors emerging like Dunkin Donuts and Chipotle, Wawa will be again in new oceans ("How Wawa Became the Beloved $10 Billion King of Convenience Stores", 2019). Wawa has always adopted the strategy to shift away from the competition except for competing with the competitors. Therefore, this strategy is recommended.

Ethical Objectives

The ethical objectives associated with recommendation are:
·         Improve customer satisfaction.
·         Provide the customers with best quality consumer electronic products in cheap prices i.e. the core strategy of Wawa.
·         Improve the customers’ trust.


The main competitors are Petra Industries, Teledynamics etc. ("Top Electronics Suppliers and Manufacturers in the USA and Globally", 2019)

Complementary Products/Alternative Products

The complementary products will remain the same i.e. gasoline, food and convenience items. The consumer electronics like mobile phones and other small gadgets will be made available on the quick service stores.


The pricing will be as per the company’s strategies i.e. cheap for best quality.

Competitive Edge

Wawa wouldn’t have to open new stores for these products. The existing stores will be used for the purpose. It will strengthen the company’s market edge i.e. cheaper diversified products under one roof.

Impacts on Stakeholders

The stakeholders involved are employees, customers and top management. Employees at Wawa work with full immersion to give best customer services. So bringing in new products will encourage employees to work outside the box. The customers trust Wawa. So they would prefer Wawa for their electronic needs. Top Management will make profits and sustain in the market.


The electronics industry is developing day by day and new technologies will never let it die. No matter how much the competition, people will go everywhere to try new technologies. Therefore, the recommendation is valid for next 50 years or so.

Recommendation 2: Market Development

The next recommendation is market development i.e. open new branches in different locations and cities i.e. Denver and San Antonio.

Logic for Recommendation

Wawa has grown exponentially from its conception till now. It has many branches in Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington DC. It’s time for Wawa to use its trust gained with customers and the quality services provided to them to start a new era. The solution is to open outlets in new cities. Wawa has already made its name in the industry and it has requisite publicity. Opening new stores in new cities will open new business opportunities and expand the business. Competitors will know that Wawa is in the game. San Antonio, Texas and Denver, Colorado are suggested for new outlets because these cities are the ones with big business opportunities (Pain, Van Hamme, Vincigeurra & David, 2016).

Internal and External Factors

Wawa has great revenues and therefore it can open and invest in new outlets in the cities which offer bigger business opportunities. Although there is a distance between headquarter and the proposed cities yet company can manage it by the great sales and profits offered by these cities. The great cities come with great competition too. But Wawa’s name and trust along with its expertise in industry can tackle the competition.

Complementary/Alternative Products

The complementary products will remain the same offered by Wawa. The alternative products can be from the suggested ones in first recommendation i.e. consumer electronics.


Wawa is known for its cheaper products with high quality. It also offers extra privileges like no surcharge on ATM use. This will be the core pricing strategy in the new proposed stores.

Impacts on Stakeholders

The stakeholders are the same. The employees would be motivated with business expansion and the profits will motivate the top management. The customers will feel comfortable with the new branches as their favorite chain expands and nourishes its name because buying from famous brands is the trend these days.


The opening of new stores accounts for infinite business opportunities. There are many cities in USA and then it can be enhanced to worldwide.

Recommendation 3: Integrative Development (Merger)

The third recommendation is the merger. Wawa should merge with some other well-known brand to enhance its publicity and clientage. The merger can be with ‘One Potato Two Potato (OPTP)’.

Logic for Recommendation

The businesses now run with the acquisition of expertise from every sector. For example, some of the services offered by some other company are added in the product line by merging with the company. This markets both of the companies and both of the companies benefit from this. OPTP sells burgers and fries. Wawa can merge with OPTP and allow them to sell their fries not burgers in its outlets. This will be beneficial for both of the companies as both are well-known in USA.

Internal and External Factors

Merger reduces the competition between the companies by eliminating the concept of competition because it provides a space for both of the companies where the sale of products of one company automatically benefits the other one. So, this recommendation will reduce competition. Company can invest resources in other fields when they get free from competition.


The pricing will be as per the standards of both of the companies. Campaigns and promotions can be used to enhance the sales by giving discounts if products from both of the brands are purchased.

Impacts on Stakeholders

The customers would be increased for both of the companies. Profits will be increased for both. Employees will learn more in cross-cultural environment.


The solution will be valid for more than 5 years or as per the contract with the merger.


Wawa has grown very much but with the passage of times, new competitors and problems came. Wawa adopted Blue Ocean Strategy to tackle the challenges and made its way to one of the top companies in USA. There will be a decline after some time because new problems and competitors will arise. Therefore, some recommendations are made for Wawa like enhancing the product line i.e. consumer electronics; opening new outlets in different cities i.e. San Antonio and Denver; and merging with some other well-known company to get the collateral benefits of publicity and sales. Using these strategies, Wawa can cope with the competition, market and the problems for more than 10 years in future.


Olenick, M., Kim, W., & Mauborane, R. (2018). Gaga for Wawa. INSEAD.
50 Years & Counting: Look Back on Wawa Memories & Milestones | Wawa. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.wawa.com/about/wawa-history
Gurcaylilar-Yenidogan, T., & Aksoy, S. (2018). Applying Ansoff’S Growth Strategy Matrix To Innovation Classification. International Journal of Innovation Management22(04), 1850039.
How Wawa Became the Beloved $10 Billion King of Convenience Stores. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/magazine/201806/maria-aspan/wawa-convenience-store-pennsylvania.html
Top Electronics Suppliers and Manufacturers in the USA and Globally. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.thomasnet.com/articles/top-suppliers/electronics-suppliers-manufacturers
Pain, K., Van Hamme, G., Vinciguerra, S., & David, Q. (2016). Global networks, cities and economic performance: Observations from an analysis of cities in Europe and the USA. Urban Studies53(6), 1137-1161.