Strategies for Reviving Cosmopolitan Yogurt

Repositioning Assignment

1.  All students are required to complete the below assignment on an individual basis (50 points). Think ‘big picture’ (cultural, environmental factors, etc.) when answering the question. The deadline for submission is April 18th through Turnitin. Paper should be at least 4 pages, double-spaced; more detailed answers are preferred so don’t feel limited by a page count.

2.  Choose one of the following failed brand extensions that have been marketed or positioned poorly in the past. Create a new strategy to revitalize the marketing of this product to the same target market or an alternative one. Elements of target marketing, repositioning, product management, promotion, distribution, and price need to be addressed.

Cosmopolitan yogurt

Bic underwear
Diet Coke Plus
BenGay aspirin
Coors Rocky Mountain Spring water
Cheetos lip balm

Please make sure to use Critical Thinking Rubric below as a guide for your submission.

Not Proficient
Some Proficiency
Highly Proficient
Points Received

Identified &
Fails to identify,
Identifies main issues
Successfully identifies
Clearly identifies and

summarize, or explain
but does not
and summarizes the
summarizes main issues and

the main problem or
summarize or explain
main issues, but does
successfully explains why/how

question, or represents
them clearly or
not explain why/how
they are problems or questions

the issues inaccurately
they are problems or
and identifies embedded or

or inappropriately.

create questions.
implicit issues, addressing their

relationship to each other.

Fails to accurately
Shows some general
Correctly identified all
Not only correctly identifies all

identify and explain any
understanding of the
the empirical and
the empirical and theoretical

& Contexts
empirical or theoretical
influences of
most of the
contexts relevant to all the main

context for the issues or
empirical and
theoretical contexts
stakeholders, but also finds

presents problems as
theoretical contexts
relevant to all the
minor stakeholders and contexts

having no connections
on stakeholders, but
main stakeholders in
and shows the tension or

to other conditions or
does not identify any
the situation.
conflicts of interests among

specific ones


relevant to situation

at hand.


Stays strictly within the
Considers new
Incorporates new
Actively seeks out and follows


guidelines of the
directions or
directions or
through on untested and

approaches without
approaches to the
potentially risky directions or

going beyond the
assignment in the
approaches to the assignment in

guidelines of the
final product.
the final product.


Fails to identify and
Identifies some of
Identifies and
Not only identifies and evaluates

evaluate any of the
the most important
evaluates all the
all the important assumptions,

important assumptions
assumptions, but
but also some of the more

behind the claims and
does not evaluate
assumptions, but not
hidden, more abstract ones.

them for plausibility
the ones deeper in

or clarity.
the background—the

more abstract ones.

Merely restates existing
Experiments with
Actually creates a
Extends a novel or unique idea,

creating a novel or
novel or unique idea,
question, format, or product to

unique idea, format,
identifies a new void,
create new knowledge or

or product.
or proposes a new
knowledge that crosses


Strategies for Reviving Cosmopolitan Yogurt
In the modern world, the trends of doing and marketing a business have totally changed. Today, everything is sold in the shape of a brand; and without the label of any brand on a product, its quality is suspected. For example, drinking water is sold under the label of different brands. Similarly, clothes also have countless kinds of brands. Moreover, almost every commodity today owes a great deal to different labels of brands; because the name of a brand plays a key role in boosting or lessening the sales of a product. Change in trends of marketing a product has changed people’s preferences to shop different commodities, and enterprises now have to keep themselves acquaint with the interests of customers (David, Boztug, & Dolnicar, 2016).
Reasons Behind Failure of Cosmopolitan Yogurt
There are various reasons behind the decline, and finally the demise, of Cosmopolitan Yogurt. They are measured as per the requirements of the topic.
Mixed Up Importance of Brand & Product
Cosmopolitan is an international magazine for women, and it provides women with various valuable information on fashion trends, beauty tips, relationship advices, etc. Back in 1999, it introduced a dairy product named Cosmopolitan Yogurt with a view to set foot in dairy industry. But the management of Cosmopolitan Yogurt made a mistake when they mixed up the importance of brand and product. The Cosmopolitan was, and it is, a famous magazine that targeted the issues of women; while the product it launched in the market was a dairy product (, 2016). The magazine was a brand of print media industry; and its entrance into dairy market was not responded by customers.
Went Opposite To its Image
Simply, Cosmopolitan went against its image; as it was a magazine, it was famous among people as a fashion journal. One thing which is to be noted that in most cases, companies have to suffer losses if they go against their image. For example, Microsoft is successful in software making, but it failed to hold its ground in cell phone industry; as all the models of cell phone it introduced failed badly. The reason is that once a company has developed its image in a specific business, it becomes very difficult for it to find a place in market occupied by gigantic competitors. Same happened with Cosmopolitan, it attempts to try luck in dairy business but failed badly.
Misunderstood its Audience
Cosmopolitan used to publish seductive material and images regarding women issues; and the management of Cosmopolitan believed that their entry into dairy sector would be a success. They were of the view that their product would be sold in a great quantity because people were already aware of the magazine, and the product would strengthen its position in market very soon. They could not understand the fact that people used to buy this magazine as per their interests; and they would have purchased Cosmopolitan Yogurt if it had fulfilled their requirements. As the company could not publish all the seductive material and images on its dairy brand, people were not interested in buying it.
High Prices
Despite a newly launched product, Cosmopolitan Yogurt was sold on very high prices. The project managers could no evaluate market trends; they launched a dairy product as a brand that was completely new in market but sold on much higher prices. The failure of the project managers to understand the market situation bring about a decline to the product they launched; because were more interested in buying famous and trusted brands of yogurts that lay next to Cosmopolitan Yogurt in shelves, and they were sold at much lower prices. This was the reason the company had to pack up its business venture in dairy industry after only 18 months of its launch.
Strategy for Revival of Cosmopolitan Yogurt
To revive a failed business is not an easy task. Effectives measures are required for the purpose; and these measures can bring about the revival of the business only when they are adopted in letter and spirit.
Target Marketing
To make a business stronger in market, target marketing is the most important thing. It stands for a group of people that purchase and consume the products of a company. So, to revive Cosmopolitan Yogurt, the project managers will have to ensure effective marketing of the product. They will be required to target the whole population if they intend to launch a dairy product (Ourania & Vlachvei, 2015). Cosmopolitan Yogurt failed because then project managers used the label of a specific magazine and applied it to a dairy product. By doing so, they took a specific thing and tried to make common among people which was not successful. The company will be required to know the preferences of customers; it will also be required to devise its strategies in line with people’s interests in different goods.
If Cosmopolitan intends to launch a product in market other than magazine, it will have to understand market trends. The company will be required to consider the point that once a product fails in market, it has very meagre chances to be successful among people. So, if the company plans to launch a business venture in an industry other than print media, it will have to choose a field other than dairy products; because its first product has badly failed in market and, therefore, the chances of success of other products will also be meager.
But if it insists to launch a dairy product despite the first-time failure, it will be required to launch new product with a different name. The magazine will be strongly recommended to avoid using its name ‘Cosmopolitan’, because the product launched with this name had failed to grab the attention of people; and the relaunch of a dairy product with same name will bring no good for the company.
Cosmopolitan, if it intends to bring its dairy products in market again, will be required to promote them with the grant of incentives. The customers will be provided different kinds of incentives if they purchase the products of Cosmopolitan  (Christy & Tuten, 2015).
For example, for the purchase of four yogurt packets at a time, one will be given free as an incentive. Similarly, discount can be provided at the purchase of each yogurt packet. These things will encourage more and more people to buy the products of Cosmopolitan. The rise in the sales of its products will definitely give rise to its revenues  (J, Dutta, Regmi, & Shaky, 2015).
Sale at Lower Prices
The failure of Cosmopolitan Yogurt in past owes greatly to its sale on higher prices. Though a newly launched product, Cosmopolitan Yogurt was sold on much higher prices; and therefore, people preferred to purchase products of famous dairy brands that were cheap and more reliable. The product’s sale with the benefits of incentives and discounts will urge a large number of people to buy it (Onigbinde & Abimbola, 2015).
Cosmopolitan will have to understand the fact that it can lure people into buying its products after a wait of years; because in the presence of gigantic competitors, a magazine cannot afford the continuous supply of funds for smooth functioning of a business. So, instead of pouring big money into the launch of its dairy product, the company will be required to invest gradually in the business venture. At initial stage, a comparatively meagre amount of money will be spent to get the business on the track to stability. Later on, with gradual increase in sales, investment in the project will be pumped up to significant extent to make it a profitable business.
To ensure the availability of its product in market, Cosmopolitan will have to adopt an effective distribution channel. As it is a magazine, it will find difficulties in distributing its products in market. For the purpose, it will have to sign an agreement with distributors to supply its products at shopping centers. Besides, Cosmopolitan can also invest in the production of a dairy product. In this case, it will not have to plant a manufacturing unit for the production of its products. It will be required only to provide money to a manufacturing unit and the latter will manufacture products and distributors will supply them in market. However, the magazine will have to invest money very carefully (Bernard, Lockwood, Alcott, & Pantelidis, 2018).
With change in marketing trends, the preferences and interests of people to buy a commodity have also changed. Today, people’s interest in shopping is driven by different brands; as they are seen preferring status to necessity which is a clear manifestation of influence of branding in business. Cosmopolitan did a mistake when it entered the wrong field. It was a magazine; but it tried luck in dairy industry. So, it failed. To revive its failed project, effective steps are sought. For the purpose, Cosmopolitan will have to address the issues of target marketing, repositioning, promotion, and distribution of its product.


Bernard, D., Lockwood, A., Alcott, P., & Pantelidis, I. ( 2018). Food and beverage management. Routledge.
Christy, A., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 15-27.
David, S., Boztug, Y., & Dolnicar, S. (2016). An untapped gold mine? Exploring the potential of market basket analysis to grow hotel revenue. International Journal of Hospitality Management 56, 119-125.
J, P., Dutta, P., Regmi, P., & Shaky, S. (2015). Production and marketing of organic coffee in Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science , 91-99. (2016). Company ideas, products that crashed and burned, from New Coke to the Kardashian Kard. Retrieved from
Onigbinde, O., & Abimbola, O. (2015). The influence of brand image and promotional mix on consumer buying decision-a study of beverage consumers in Lagos State, Nigeria. British journal of marketing studies 3, no. 4, 97-109.
Ourania, N., & Vlachvei, A. (2015). Changes in marketing strategies during recession. Procedia Economics and Finance 24, 485-490.

Re-introduction Strategy for Cheetos Lip Balm
To create extra lines of revenue companies with popular products in the market always desire brand extension. By using the popularity of well-known products, companies lunch a new product.  But the product extension is not always a success. In 2005 Cheetos introduced a Cheetos flavour lip balm. Lotta Luv and Pepsi cola come together to lunch this unique product since everyone loves Cheetos so the company may assume it is a good idea to introduce another product. But unfortunately, people did not like it as much as they like Cheetos. Even though the product can be excellent in all aspects, but it is useless if people do not want to use it. There can be many causes of brand failure. The product could have better results if the company approached a few aspects differently (Pasic, 2018).
Firstly, it seems very mismatch and peculiar. Like Colgate introduce frozen dinner people finds it hard to relate it with the popular brand that people love, it is completely different from it and this factor can cause failure. People love Cheetos does not mean that they want to have its taste and smell always with them. The launch of Cheetos balm completely ignores the factor of market research (Thomas & Czaplewski, 2017). Further, the target market of the brand was teenagers and kids since it has vibrant and catchy colours. The invention of Cheetos balm tried to solve the problem of dry lips, while also providing the taste of Cheetos that can constantly come from the lips but there was no societal need of this Cheetos favoured lip balm. Singularly both products are amazing, Cheetos are the snacks that love by the millions and off course, they do not make sense together. People rather eat the beg of Cheetos to content their craving instead of putting on lip balm. The company did not give much attention to the fact that it can affect the market of snack. If people started using Cheetos lip balm, there is a possibility that they may end up losing the craving of snack since they can all the time smell it in the form of lip balm (Khalid & Siddiqui, 2016).
It is possible to get success to reintroduce the product by using different market techniques and strategies. The successful relaunching depends on creativity. The market is full of competition and creativity is the only way to survive. There is a number of lip balm brands in the market so to lunch something that has already face failure once is a tricky business and require to be more creative them others and to think out of the box (Jintao, Wen, Dou, & Chen, 2015). The brand should be relevant and relatable to the audience, so they think that they need it. The first step in introducing bran is market research that seems to be lacking while the company introduced lip balm. Market research consists of gathering data systematically about the target audience and after that analyzing it for a better understanding of what people need. The results that gathered through market research are usually summarized in a report that and provide vital help to the stakeholders in order to make a decision, strategies and potential customers based.
So, it is important to conduct the market research for reintroducing this product it can be conducted by a general survey about the product since it is hard to approach customers for the interviews and other data collecting method. The research can be done by asking peoples opinion using social media. These days every teenager and adults are using social media. Many social media websites allow making an audience poll where people who use social media can vote from around the world. To reintroduce the brand company can get peoples to an opinion about what they need and what they like to change in the brand. Maybe it’s the smell of the lip balm that people do not like to have all the time or the taste, the opinion of the people will make it easy to design it according to their needs.  Further, it will cost almost nothing because the only thing that is required is social media (Thomas & Czaplewski, 2017).
The strategy of the testing audience can also be advantageous. Before the grand launch of the product, introducing people with it is important. The company can make sample balm and distribute it in the stores. Since the product have been already launched and people had rejected it, there is a need for more creativity. The old brand is always an old brand and will not change the perspective of the people even after launching it again until it promises to have something new (Coate, Shen, & Dozier, 2017).
The package details and design should change along with the flavours. The basic flaw of the previous product was that by using Cheetos lips always smell like it. While relaunching the product, this factor should not be ignored the flavour and smell of the lip balm should be categories into different levels. There must be three levels 1 with strong taste and smell, 2nd with the medium while 3rd with very minor. Through the sample lunch, the company will have an idea of what kind of flavour people like most. The testing audience can save from the huge loss that the company may have to face after launching it out of nowhere. The new brand should not be restricted by the Cheetos because it puts a limitation on the brand sale. The line of new flavour can be helpful like Lotta luv has launched more than 200 different kinds of lip balm after failing in Cheetos lip balm. The new flavour could be inspired by the different flavours of Cheetos and also with different natural scents and flavours. 
The behavioural segmentation will be used to select the target audience since Cheetos is the brand that is used by many people around the world and is not demographically limited similarly the relaunch of the product will not be for the people of certain demographic arear but for all those where people tend to like the snack. Teenagers and adults both are found in Cheetos snack so the target market will be young people from teenagers the to late twenties. It is important to expand the target audience, Even though the target marketing will not stop other people buying the product since people from every age can use lip balm but the target marketing focus on the specific group who are most likely to buy the product (Carl, Levine, Kothuri, & Siefert, 2016).
After taking into consideration, the above mention strategies, the next step is the marketing of the product. Market strategies made it easier to promote the product. With technology advancement, there is a number of options for product marketing.
Paid advertisements are the traditional approach of marketing; it includes TVCs and print media. For the relaunching of the product, TVC’s can be really valuable. The majority of the audience watched TVC’s and often got inspired by it. To make it more effective company could hire a famous celebrity. But, it is important to take in consideration while choosing a celebrity for the product that he/she has a diverse fan base. People tend to follow the lifestyle of their favourite celebrity and if they see them using new Cheetos lip balm, they will ultimately want to use it too. Further, since Cheetos is the brand that has a market in many countries so selecting brand ambassador from different countries will let the audience think that this product is for them (J, Dutta, Regmi, & Shaky, 2015).
Apart from TVC’s the print media is also a good platform for the advertisement. The details about a new product with catchy pictures and tag lines can be printed in the magazines that are well-known among people. There is a possibility that the product gets attention from the audience who likes to reads. Social media is also a marvellous platform for the advertisement. People from all ages and all walks of life use social media and there is the probability the many are following the Cheetos official website (Christy & Tuten, 2015).
Cheetos lip balm was launched many years ago but did not get the predicted appreciation from the people even though people love Cheetos as a snack. The product could not survive in the competitive market and went down from the shelves soon after the launch. There was a number of things that goes wrong with the product. It was kind of miss match with the popular product. The brand expansion must be linked with the famous product, so lip balm was not what people are expecting from Cheetos expansion. Further, it limits the sale because of flavour, people love the snack, but they do not want to have it with them all the time it will make them sick of the original product. The strong essence was another weak point of the product.


Carl, M., Levine, B., Kothuri, R., & Siefert, C. (2016). Method and system for predicting audience viewing behavior. U.S. Patent issued December, 514-436 .
Christy, A., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 15-27.
Coate, N., Shen, H., & Dozier, D. (2017). Double Vision: Testing Audience Effects of Competing Social Media and Institutional Media Political Framing. Electronic News, 211-228.
J, P., Dutta, P., Regmi, P., & Shaky, S. (2015). Production and marketing of organic coffee in Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science , 91-99.
Jintao, W., Wen, N., Dou, W., & Chen, J. (2015). Exploring the effectiveness of consumer creativity in online marketing communications. European Journal of Marketing, 262-276.
Khalid, H., & Siddiqui, K. (2016). Dynamics of Intergenerational Influences on Brand Preferences in Pakistan:(Brand-in-Mind vs. Brand-in-Hand. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior , 51-60.
Pasic, E. (2018, 8 25). Reflection point Assumptions and failures. Retrieved from
Sigrid, B., Bennett, R., Hasan, S., & Mortimer, G. (2016). The impact of service failure on brand credibility. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62-71.
Thomas, K., & Czaplewski, A. (2017). Upstream social marketing strategy: An integrated marketing communications approach. Business Horizons, 325-333. 

Repositioning Strategy for Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water


Companies use different ways and implement various strategies to grow the sale. To grow the business brands usually have two options first, they can launch a new product and second is expanding the existing product in new markets.  Establishing new product and presenting it to the market can cause a lot of money. On the other hand, brand expansion demands the same money, but it takes full advantages of an already established brand. It is not necessary for the new product to become another success for the company. The failure in the brand expansion is very common. The major reason for failure is the absence of a relatable link between two products. For instance, the Colgate company is very well received in the market, but when they introduce Colgate frozen Food, it experiences huge failure because people were not expecting from a toothpaste company to launch frozen dinner.

Reason for Failure of Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water

The American Brand Rocky Mountain introduced spring water in 1990. The water bottles are very common and almost everyone uses it. But this expansion faces huge failure even though the products of the company were very much in demand and people seem to like them. Rocky Mountains used to manufacture a huge range of alcoholic drinks so when they introduce plain sparkling water the consumers find it hard to link it with the previous product. The expectations of the company were to launch an alcoholic drink. The new product could be the best of quality, but it is useless if people do not want to buy it.
 The biggest reason behind this failure was that they introduced plain water under the same name and logo. The bottle of water and the alcoholic drink was pretty much the same. The consumers got really confused by this product and as the company expected the water bottle could not be the new face of the company. The water under the same name as alcohol was the flaw in the marking strategy of the company. To maximize the sale of the company, give a good discount, but it cannot hold the attention of customers. Due to lack of demand, the company has to take it down from the market and they stick with the selling beers and other alcoholic drinks.
The company used different tactics for attracting consumers such as it offered them discounts, but it did not fancy the customers. The water bottle was not plain; it came in different flavours like lemon, cherry and lime (, 2016). The basic reason was expecting water from an alcohol company was not acceptable by the fans. They were unable to overcome the shock and adjust with this new idea.

Strategy for Product Diversification:

The bottled water has a big market, and it is no entirely useless expansion. While introducing a new product the company completely ignore the market research. Through market research, the company can get the vogue idea about what people needs and the gathered information provides help in order to make a plan and decision about the new product. However, it is not a suitable product for the company which has made a huge name in the beer industry. Thus, the product can be modified and then presented to the people of different age group.

Product Modification

                The company belongs to the beer market; thus it needs to introduce something in the relevant field. For instance, instead of water, the company can introduce wine which is less strong than beer and suitable for the people who want to enjoy the drink without losing their senses. Moreover, there are various people, who are looking for healthy living options yet living their favourite beer is a different task for them. in such a situation the company can offer them a drink which is low in carbs. The researchers have claimed that a standard wine includes only 1 or 2 grams of carbohydrates while 12-ounce serving of beer contains carbohydrates between 10 to 20 grams.

Target Marketing:

                The targeted consumers for the specific drink will be two demographic segments. For instance, the potential customers will be teenagers age from 18 to 25. At the age of 18, most of teenagers start consuming alcohol. However, due to new to this drink they do not take it well and either become an addict and ruin their health or completely refrain from consuming it again. Thus, this new drink will be the best choice for them at that time. they can easily consume the new wine which is not strong enough yet has great taste (Ourania & Vlachvei, 2015).
                The second potential consumers will be the older age people, 45 to 65. These older people have lost the energy to consume strong things, yet they are unable to forget the taste of such an effective product. Thus, it will be the best option for them. moreover, there will be fewer carbs in it which further make it desirable for the older age people. It is not harmful to the health of older age people because it has a minimum amount of carbohydrates (Walters, 2014).


                Brand position is the method of communicating to the consumers regarding the products. thus, a new and innovative method will be used for making the product a success in the industry. For instance, after careful segmentation of the consumers and defining the target market, the company will identify the key attributes of the product so it could be flaunted to the consumers. data will be collected from the targeted consumers and then the strategy will be designed.
                In this specific case, social media will be majorly used for the positioning of the product. The teenagers are fond of using different social and digital media channels for evaluating the information. Moreover, the ad space will also be purchased on the blogs which have a specific niche to the beverage industry (Bernard, Lockwood, Alcott, & Pantelidis, 2018). Moreover, the ad space can also be purchased on the other popular websites for increasing brand awareness among the consumers. the strong points of drink will be highlighted during the marketing for increasing the impulse buying behaviour of consumers while traditional media will be used for communicating the benefits of wine to older age people. The ad space will be purchased in different magazines and newspapers. Moreover, billboards and banner ads will also be used. 


Without promoting a product, no company can achieve the targets it has set for the sales of its products. In fact, a good strategy for promoting a product plays a key role in boosting the sales of a product.
Promotion of the product is necessary to make the consumers aware of it. thus, purchased ads will be placed on social media channels. User engaging content with attractive pictures and videos will be posted on it. as more and more people will be aware of the brand, they will try to buy it which can boost sales. Creative hashtags can be used for obtaining the attention of consumers and boost sales (Susan, 2015).
In traditional marketing, the company can focus on billboards and banner ads along with magazines and newspaper ads. a large number of revenues can be generated in this manner and it will be helpful in meeting the expenses spent on the manufacturing of the products. It will also be helpful for the company to hold its ground in the beverage industry.


                Along with a solid promotion strategy, it is also necessary that the distribution of the product is strong. The distributor channel should ensure that the product is available in all the big grocery stores in the region. Moreover, partnership with the hotels, bars, pubs and cafes can also be made (Bahar & ErciÅŸ, 2017). The company can supply the product by offering discounts. Once the product gains the attention of consumers, then its demand will elevate with the passage of time. Before actually launching the product, the promotion can be started through social media platforms so more and more people can get to know about it.

Pricing Strategy:

                Initially, the product can be offered at low prices. So, the students can have easy access to it. most of the teenagers rely on their pocket money and they cannot afford to buy premium products. thus, keeping the price low will be a great strategy. moreover, along with the students, the older people will be able to buy the product easily because they rely on their pension money and unable to afford high priced products. according to the targeted customer segment the average pricing strategy is best for the company (David, Buttle, Brookes, & Mariussen, 2016).


To reintroduce this product, it is important to set market strategies like market research to find out what people need, the strategy of the testing audience to check their reaction before a big launch and most important the promotional strategies to reach the audience. The beer company introduced a water product which was not suitable for it because it cannot link back to its product line. Thus, it has been suggested that new wine can be introduced by the company which is less strong and low in carbs so the students and older age people can easily consume it.     


Bahar, T., & ErciÅŸ, A. (2017). 4A marketing mix impacts on organic food purchase intention. Serbian Journal of Management 12, no. 2, 189-199.
Bernard, D., Lockwood, A., Alcott, P., & Pantelidis, I. ( 2018). Food and beverage management. Routledge.
David, B., Buttle, F., Brookes, M., & Mariussen, A. (2016). Hospitality marketing. Routledge. (2016). Company ideas, products that crashed and burned, from New Coke to the Kardashian Kard. Retrieved from
Ourania, N., & Vlachvei, A. (2015). Changes in marketing strategies during recession. Procedia Economics and Finance 24, 485-490.
Susan, C. (2015). Marketing and Advertising Strategies: What’s it all About? Palgrave Macmillan, London, 148-157.
Walters, L. (2014). 'Exciting growth' for drinks company. Retrieved from