1. Please use the following guide to see what a sample annotation looks like before creating your own 8 annotations:
2. Please follow the annotated bibliography rubric on blackboard for exact details on what is expected in the assignment.
Annotated Bibliography

Purpose of exercise

For this exercise, annotated eight research sources. You need to have a minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal articles but can have up to 8 journal articles.

You will prepare an annotated bibliography on these articles with an entry of 150 words about each of the articles. The goal of this assignment is not only to demonstrate your understanding of these articles, but also to take a stand in relation to the positions taken in the articles. Does the author make their argument successfully? Is their evidence compelling? What do they leave out?

Points possible:

Format: 50 points
10 points for overall format (MLA first page block, correct page number, font, margins etc)
40 points (5x8) for the citations of  8 annotations.

Content: 50 points

8 x 6.25 = 50 points

Each source:

…should have an annotation which includes the citation and the following three parts:

Commentary (should demonstrate a thorough reading and summary of each text) 3 points
Assessment (should critique and evaluate text) 2 points
Reflection (should show how text will be used in the final paper) 1.25 points


Annotated Bibliography

1.      Jadoon, N. A., Zahid, M. F., Mansoorulhaq, H., Ullah, S., Jadoon, B. A., Raza, A., . . . Shahzad, M. A. (2011). Evaluation of internet access and utilization by medical students in Lahore, Pakistan. BMC Medical Information and Decision Making, 7.
The use of internet has increased worldwide for educational purposes. The study shows that the internet has become an important tool in Pakistan as well and is recommended for medical study purposes. It has been proved that the use of the internet is lacking for the study purposes but is used for other personal interests and activities.
This source provided information about the excess use of internet but for other purposes rather than educational purposes. Therefore the source is reliable and useful as it points directly to the excess use of internet in students for other purposes.
This article is helpful as it provided enough information about the use of internet in medical students. That internet has been used for multiple purposes rather than for study. Therefore, the access to the internet for the students must be limited in a manner where possible use can be provided for educational purpose or for important tasks.
2.      Ajuwon, G. A. (2003). Computer and internet use by first year clinical and nursing students in a Nigerian teaching hospital. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 3-10.
A study in Nigeria was carried out for the purpose to avail the information about the use of the internet. On the basis of the study, it was identified that the use of the internet is limited in medical students. As a result, it is not even used for the educational purpose by many medical students, majorly by first-year students.
The article helped in identifying the possible outcome of not utilizing the internet even after it is available. The source is reliable as it provided a view of too much restriction or less activity in internet and computer learning.
As the source helped in identifying the possible result of such limited access to the internet in students. It also helped to come up with another view of limited access to the internet. The use of the internet must be limited in such a way that the students can easily access it for their educational purposes. Not in a way that they do not use it even after is available as this is a misuse of an opportunity.
3.      Gibson, S., & Oberg, D. (2004). Visions and realities of Internet use in schools: Canadian perspectives. British Journal of Educational Technology, 569-585.
A three-year study was conducted to identify the implementation of the internet in the schools of Canada. The group contained teachers and students and other officials. On the basis of methodology, the result was quite different as the views of the use of the internet in schools were totally different compared to reality.
There was not a proper method or an educational pattern to follow when it came to using the internet for such purpose. The ideas of using internet for effective teaching methods varied between teachers and the use of the internet varies between students as well.
This clearly identifies the use of the internet without any visible or the same goal to meet. In other words, there was no limitation in the use of internet or ideas towards the limitation varied. This clearly fits the topic as there must be a proper limitation in the use of the internet for having effective teaching and learning methods.
4.      Komerik, N. (2005). Use of the Internet Among Dental Students in Turkey. Journal of Dental Education, 470-475.
The use of the internet among the Dental students in Turkey was evaluated by a study carried out at Suleyman Demirel University. The results showed that a significant amount of students used the internet for dental topics and general information. Percentage of Dental topics searched was less while some of them didn’t know how to use the internet.
This source provided information that Dental students used the internet for their educational purpose as well as for other reasons. However, the number of extra activities reached on the internet were in excess. There was a misuse of the internet in between or miss concept in the implementation of the internet properly for academic activities.
Students must be provided necessary learning skills to adopt the use of the internet properly to an extent. This will also help in covering up the number of students who do not know how to use the internet as well as will develop the same extent of view of using the internet in limited access.
5.      Kumar, S., Tadakamadla, J., Tibdewal, H., Duraiswamy, P., & Kulkarni, S. (2010). Internet usage among undergraduate dental students in India. Revista Odonto Ciência.
The use of the internet for academic purposes was analyzed by a study carried among the undergraduate dental students of India. The result showed that only a minor number of the students used the internet for educational purposes while the majority used it for general information and other activities.
The information provided by the study amongst the Indian dental students about internet usage was quite the opposite according to the actual view of internet usage. The source is reliable as it provided information which included factors like lower availability of internet in the institute with an increased number of students.
This is a view which provides a look at excess of limited usage or access.  The results of such an extent of limitation can be alarming. Meaning of the limited access is the limited use which is oriented towards educational purpose usage only and majorly. This limited access can be due to limited resources or availability, but other countries can observe and learn to sustain a stable environment of limited access with availability.
6.      Derbyshire, k. L., Lust, K. A., Schreiber, L. R., Odlaug, B. L., Christenson, G. A., Golden, D. J., & Grnat, J. E. (2013). Problematic Internet use and associated risks in a college sample. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 415-422.
Majority of adults uses internet and excess of internet usage can have a bad effect on them. A study was conducted to identify the use of internet in amongst adults. The results show that only 13% of students met limited usage criteria out of 237 while the majority used in excess and had a negative effect on their educational activities and grades.
The use of the internet in excess can be bad for its users, especially in adults and those who are students. Moderate use of the internet can end up with bad performances in various tasks and will develop bad behaviour. Excess use provides bad impacts on the grades of students.
This study shows the excess use of internet between adults and that the academic activities and their results are ruined by such use. The effect of excessive use of the internet can be seen on the basis of the results provided. There should be limited access provided for such users with complete guidance or learning classes to provide a better way to use the internet for education and in positive aspects.
7.      Martin, J., & Schumacher, P. (2000). Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 13-29.
A study was conducted to evaluate the use of the internet among undergraduate students. A Pathological internet use (PIU) was determined by the methodology and result on the basis of it. Majority of the students (64.7%) showed the symptoms of PIU as a problem in academic work, behaviour, distress and other symptoms. This was only due to the excess use of the internet.
The source is reliable as it provided necessary and identical symptoms of such a community. Adults and students get a bad impact on their behaviour and emotions. This, as a result, causes problems in daily life due to excess availability of internet.
This provides a clear view of excess use of internet and therefore even ups the research about limited access of the internet amongst students. With limited access and clear direction of using the internet can prevent such outcomes. The result shown can be beneficial for others to achieve sustain balanced internet availability environment.
8.      Norris, C., Sullivan, T., Poirot, J., & Soloway, E. (2013). No Access, No Use, No Impact. Snapshot Surveys of Educational Technology In K#x, 15-27.
A survey was conducted regarding the impact of internet and technology used in schools in K-12 in the USA. On the basis of the result provided by the data collection by administering the snapshot survey. It was not the technology that had a good or bad impact, but the students did. Limited access or availability of the internet and technology was the cause.
It was shown that the technology could have a positive or negative effect on departments of education if it is available. After the availability, comes to access to use which also plays the role and can be effective one in different manners.
It can be seen on the basis of the result of the survey that lack of availability can also have negative effects on educational departments as well as teaching and learning. Therefore students must be provided possible availability and required or limited access to internet and technology.