Competing on Analytics

500 words

Service Operations Management HWO3
Read the following article (Attached). Davenport, T. H., "Competing on Analytics," Harvard Business Review, January 2006. Submit: 1- A short summary of the paper including an itemized list of important points
Considering that this paper was written more than a decade ago, 2- What are the strong points of the article (or you strongly agree with the author even today). Briefly discuss. 3- What are the week points of the article (or you strongly disagree with the author considering today's business conditions). Briefly discuss.

Competing on Analytics
1- A short summary of the paper including an itemized list of important points.
     Since 1990s, organizations and large enterprises utilized business intelligence. Later, firms realized that more advancement is required. This is known as business analytics. In the article, “competing on analytics” the writer included points to demonstrate need s for business analytics. The author gave explanation of competing analytics and presented examples of successful organizations which are using killer apps. These organizations include Harrah’s, Amazon, Boston Red Sox, and capital one. These businesses utilized killer apps to know about consumer values in an in depth manner. The system is able to extract required processes by assessing consumer values. There is a need to be an analytic competitor. To become analytic competitor companies need to adopt top down approach. There are certain characteristics which are considered before using business analytics. Organizations need to undergo changes before adapting to business analytics. There are organizations which are not suitable for competing analytics. The example of Marriott international in relation to competing analytics is appropriate (H.Davenport, 2006).

There are three features which must be present in an organization to change business analytics. There should be an extensive usage of optimization and modeling. This helps in profitable consumers, optimized supply chain, real time pricing and so on. To determine value based needs of consumers, organizations like Capital One utilize business analytics. There should be an enterprise approach. There is a use of multiple applications rather than a specific app. There should be change in senior executive advocates. There is key leadership abilities required to adapt the change successfully. The author mentions that there are four factors which determine instant success of analytics. There should be a right focus, right people, right culture, and the right technology.  This system adaptation requires time. it is a long road. This is a gradual process. The author demonstrates business analytics in detail, there are examples to explain each concept (H.Davenport, 2006).
2- What are the strong points of the article (or you strongly agree with the author even today). Briefly discuss.
The article includes examples which make it easier to comprehend. There is a bigger picture of the concept. The author explains each and every concept in a simple way. There is no ambiguity. Different issues like organizational culture, leadership qualities, up to date technology is discussed in detail. The concept is complex, but interesting. The importance of consumer value is explained in relation to business analytics. The author explained essential conditions to make business analytics a huge success. There are examples how big enterprises utilized the system. This provides guideline to companies regarding business analytics.
3- What are the week points of the article (or you strongly disagree with the author considering today’s business conditions). Briefly discuss.
The topic business analytics is complex. It requires more details. There is competition in the market; the author should have suggested details about this as well. There are examples of enterprises which are using business analytics, but there should be more details.

Works Cited

H.Davenport, T. (2006). COMPETING ON ANALYTICS. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review.