Repositioning Assignment

1.  All students are required to complete the below assignment on an individual basis (50 points). Think ‘big picture’ (cultural, environmental factors, etc.) when answering the question. The deadline for submission is April 18th through Turnitin. Paper should be at least 4 pages, double-spaced; more detailed answers are preferred so don’t feel limited by a page count.

2.  Choose one of the following failed brand extensions that have been marketed or positioned poorly in the past. Create a new strategy to revitalize the marketing of this product to the same target market or an alternative one. Elements of target marketing, repositioning, product management, promotion, distribution, and price need to be addressed.

Cosmopolitan yogurt

Bic underwear
Diet Coke Plus
BenGay aspirin
Coors Rocky Mountain Spring water
Cheetos lip balm

Please make sure to use Critical Thinking Rubric below as a guide for your submission.

Not Proficient
Some Proficiency
Highly Proficient
Points Received

Identified &
Fails to identify,
Identifies main issues
Successfully identifies
Clearly identifies and

summarize, or explain
but does not
and summarizes the
summarizes main issues and

the main problem or
summarize or explain
main issues, but does
successfully explains why/how

question, or represents
them clearly or
not explain why/how
they are problems or questions

the issues inaccurately
they are problems or
and identifies embedded or

or inappropriately.

create questions.
implicit issues, addressing their

relationship to each other.

Fails to accurately
Shows some general
Correctly identified all
Not only correctly identifies all

identify and explain any
understanding of the
the empirical and
the empirical and theoretical

& Contexts
empirical or theoretical
influences of
most of the
contexts relevant to all the main

context for the issues or
empirical and
theoretical contexts
stakeholders, but also finds

presents problems as
theoretical contexts
relevant to all the
minor stakeholders and contexts

having no connections
on stakeholders, but
main stakeholders in
and shows the tension or

to other conditions or
does not identify any
the situation.
conflicts of interests among

specific ones


relevant to situation

at hand.


Stays strictly within the
Considers new
Incorporates new
Actively seeks out and follows


guidelines of the
directions or
directions or
through on untested and

approaches without
approaches to the
potentially risky directions or

going beyond the
assignment in the
approaches to the assignment in

guidelines of the
final product.
the final product.


Fails to identify and
Identifies some of
Identifies and
Not only identifies and evaluates

evaluate any of the
the most important
evaluates all the
all the important assumptions,

important assumptions
assumptions, but
but also some of the more

behind the claims and
does not evaluate
assumptions, but not
hidden, more abstract ones.

them for plausibility
the ones deeper in

or clarity.
the background—the

more abstract ones.

Merely restates existing
Experiments with
Actually creates a
Extends a novel or unique idea,

creating a novel or
novel or unique idea,
question, format, or product to

unique idea, format,
identifies a new void,
create new knowledge or

or product.
or proposes a new
knowledge that crosses


Table of Contents


The strongest positioning strategy is based on simplistic ideas that can be summed up in a word easy. For example, FedEX revolutionized package delivery so is associated with Speed; Volvo is built on reputation of Safety and Apple is known for Innovation. The more one simplify the positioning, the more it becomes powerful but it is not always as simple as it looks. The process of Branding was developed as a safeguard for the businesses to protect their products from failures. It enforces ownership and creates differentiation as the concept goes back to 1500’s when unique marks were made on cattle to define their ownership.

Brand/Product Failure:

Those days are long gone when people used to buy products, now brands dominate as they are the ones now that are making purchase decision easier for the customers. People buy what offers them different and better solution to their needs and problems. The success and failure of a brand depends on brand-consumer bond, brand positioning, promise and image. As customers decide the fate of brand, manufacturers must make sure brands are carefully launched so that the positive emotions and perceptions must be attached to the brand. The distortion of such perception may affect the competition and reputation of the company.


Who does not know Cosmopolitan; “A popular magazine that caters all day to day issues of women related to fashion and lifestyle”. The magazine is distributed in more than 100 countries around the world. In 1999, Cosmopolitan decided to extend its brand with a new product “yogurt”. The yogurt was launched as a joint venture with MD Foods, with variety of range (low fat, fruits and cheese) for the extension of brand into healthy food sector (Marketing Week , 2001 ). That extension only came out to be a weird marketing leap.

Reasons for Cosmopolitan Yogurt product Failure & its Repositioning strategies

Failure 1: No Connection with main brand:

Too much diversity can be dangerous and same happened with cosmopolitan. They made an extension that seemed to make zero sense with their parent brand “Magazine”. Such randomness cost the company millions as the yogurt was off the shelves within 18 months. It’s not just about being different as relevancy with the main brand is far more important and people simply were unable to relate the two together.


Re-launch product under different head:
For cosmopolitan to achieve better results what could be done was launching such a diverse product under entirely different brand name where they could target all the consumers without specifically going for only one that is women.

Failure 2: Zero market research:

Whenever a new product is launched prior to that from planning to manufacturing and delivery time an extensive amount of research is conducted in advance to see whether the product will be a success or not. Failure of cosmopolitan yogurt made it clear that company had no prior research over it.


Research and development centers:

Cosmopolitan has already R&D centers that keep updating them about new ideas and markets are responding to their stories. But keeping the systems same for every product is not justifiable as every product has her own uniqueness and requires own set of skills and techniques to be catered.

Failure 3: Target Market:

Even the target market of the extended product was entirely different. The original target market of cosmopolitan is exclusively “Women” between the age group 17 to 35. By keeping their need for healthy and fit lifestyle cosmopolitan launched a nutritious product “yogurt” but they were missing a lot of other things. The actual target market for yogurt is very diverse as it include both men and women along with children and elderly who are the consumers of this brand so couldn’t be sold out to women only. So, there target market clearly did not match the real one.


Environment analysis:

Before the launch of any new brand it is important to note that what market thinks and says about it and to find that company needs to know what is the consumption pattern of yogurt and consumed majorly by what category. According to one research in low fat yogurt category the consumption pattern varies among men and women with women came out to be more consumers but men are slightly less in this consumption pattern ratio. But interestingly brand is a leader in children segment where cosmopolitan resides nowhere near.

Failure 4: Barely any Promotion:

Too much overconfidence can be drastic. Cosmopolitan seemed to make assumptions when it launched a realistic product “Yogurt”. The company thought its own name will be sufficient enough to convince consumers to buy their new brand but it all came out to be a random product also known as piggybacking marketing technique (Jensen, 2013). The product was rejected in no time before the company could even thought of investing on its promotion. There was only one tagline: “Read your cosmopolitan mag with your cosmopolitan yogurt” without realizing that whether such associated will place the company in a risky spot.

Failure 5: Lack of experience in Distribution

Switching to an entirely different channel of distribution was itself a new game for cosmopolitan as for their magazines there was a less worry but the product was not sensitive like yogurt and was limited to shops. For yogurt they had to depend on a chain of distribution channels that would make sure the product is easily and timely placed in Various Superstores. Even the mismanagement clearly depicted that cosmopolitan has no experience in food industry.

Failure 6: Unrealistic Pricing:

Cosmopolitan yogurt presents a biggest lesson for other brands is that one must first understand the true customer’s needs, wants and behaviors before jumping into the competitive market. Cosmopolitan’s one of another bold move was pricing the yogurt at much higher than the competition by simply justifying their new product as sophisticated and aspirational. It presented the image that cosmopolitan believes it can sell everything but the consumers reaction clearly throw them a clear indication that they got it all wrong (Carter, 2016).

REPOSITIONING STRATEGY 4 for failure 4-5-6

Association with brand:

Cosmopolitan needed to first start associating itself as the health conscious programs to aware the customers that they are also dealing in health sector. The creation of an environment is necessary step to follow before going for any new idea as they can cost more than they can benefit if implemented in an ill manner.
There needs to be an innovative strategy that reinvigorate company’s brand and take it to an entirely new level. This section suggests the use of automated systems from production to marketing and delivery as it is what boosts the booming of brands even in the toughest markets. Customer loyalty gets skyrocketed. In case of cosmopolitan yogurt there was no use of digitalization and automatic techniques that could label the product as a success.

Realistic pricing:

Both Too much low and too much high pricing can affect the product selling. It has to be properly research to see where the competition is lying and then setting of pricing should be done to remain realistic.


Repositioning strategy is effective for the brand whose awareness level is not that high as it would become easy for the company to re-launch the product with entirely different and effective strategies so that mistakes may not be repeated. In cosmopolitan yogurt case, there were many mistakes at the end of the company because of the significant lack in research and development section as it is important to first match the idea with the existing consumer needs and then decision to upgrade the brand must be made. In repositioning every step is redefined in an entirely new way which will help in identifying sales opportunities by giving the correct idea of right target markets, allows the company to bring differentiation in their product and strengthen their competitive level by reminding the consumers of their credible reputation.


1.      Carter, L. (2016, July 12). Brand Flops: 5 Lessons Brand Managers Can Learn From Epic Brand Failures. Retrieved from Persona Design: https://www.personadesign.ie/brand-flops-5-lessons-brand-managers-can-learn-epic-brand-failures/
2.      Jensen. (2013, November 1 ). Freaky Fresh Marketing, #FAILFriday: Cosmopolitan Yogurt,. Retrieved from Cosmopolitan: https://kirstiecrotty.wordpress.com/2014/03/16/read-your-cosmopolitan-mag-with-your-cosmopolitan-yogurt/
3.      Marketing Week . (2001 , February 22). NatMags and MD pull out of Cosmo yogurts. Retrieved from https://www.marketingweek.com/2001/02/22/natmags-and-md-pull-out-of-cosmo-yogurts/