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Chapter 18 Discussion
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_ Discussion Questions Chapter 18: The Gilded Age
Please answer the following questions from the Johnson reader. Please provide sufficient examples and details.
Remember to try to ask your own questions, answer questions from your peers, and engage with your classmates as
much as possible. -
1. According to Kirkman, was the hierarchy of railroads in conflict with the widespread public professions of
equality and democracy? Why or why not?
2. Why did Kirkman think that labor combinations were dangerous?
3. Why did Kirkman believe that “governments are unfit to manage commercial enterprises?
1. According to Lloyd, what were the consequences of “bignesses”?
2. Why did laws and courts fail to control monopolies in the Gilded Age?
3. Why was “wealth” against “commonwealth” according to Lloyd? Discuss.

1. What did Carnegie believe were the advantages and disadvantages of competition and concentration in wealth?
2. To what extent would “the millionaire” be a better “trustee for the poor” than government, reform societies, or
the poor themselves?
Comparative Questions:
1. Each of the documents focuses on the inequalities among Americans in the Gilded Age. To what extent did these
authors perceive inequality to be a problem, and what did they propose to do about it? What happens to the
| American “ideal” of equality? .
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1. The conflict was not of democracy and equality, according to kirkman. There were positions and rank9ing of every officer, railway companies were much respected for their effective work structure and mechanism. Kirkman believed that companies should not be controlled or influenced by government at any cost. There should be a unique way of dealing though proper change of order or command across the company. Every worker has the opportunity to be in a high post in the hierarchy, when he feels that he is appropriate for higher position. The hierarchy of railroads was opposed to widespread professions of equality, because even if railway hired workers on basis of equality, sill equality ends when no one is concerned with their good merits, but to obey rules only. the hierarchy of railroads was in conflict with democracy because it is based on absolutism as “an order once given, must be obeyed”.
2. Kirkman was of the view that labor combinations were not safe because “labor acting through organizations and guilds [are] a matter of concern to everyone. Their power if wisely executed is not fraught with harm, but if short sighted or vicious is pregnant with evil”. Kirkman believed that the workers were having short hand of the stick as the people in higher positions were more concerned about the capital and in his opinion, when the labor and capital get together it is a perilous matter.
3. Kirkman was of the opinion that “governments are unfit to manage commercial enterprises” because it is like owners of railroads are allowed to manage their properties. Kirkman believed that government or any other form of management acts fair when every member of the society has a say in the affairs.
1. According to Lloyd, man is poor and nature is rich as the people are spending all their time and efforts to produce wealth, and are the blind managers of a small number of progressive and self centered schemers. The huge natural monopolies which tend to be the product of a nation are set to be controlled by private people. “Trusts” produced hundreds of indispensable commodities like coal, oil; iron and lumber which are consequently making rich more wealthier while many people are finding the combat of life a total defeat.
2. The governments tend to control monopolies to save the interests for their consumers. For instance, monopolies have the power in market to determine prices higher in competitive marketplaces. The government can monitor monopolies by yardstick competition, price capping, and prevention of monopoly growth power. There were senators who were given monopoly, and held responsible for steady supply and reporting revenues. They had minimum involvement in business bit in skim profits. In most instances, the labor and management was provided by slavery, and highly educated slaves handling most of the management. Rome expanded its infrastructure slaves helped promote the infrastructure.
3. Lloyed is of the view that the extreme wealth and monopoly is not good for the commonwealth of the community. he is of the view that a monopoly is a means to control all the resources and businesses for profit, this means they take away from the wealth and use it to strike back.
1. Carnegie is of the view that the benefits of the competition are paying price for either expensive or cheap needs, when people have more options to get what they require. There are clear disadvantages, for instance, the employer who hires the person is always following the strict capital and market standards. The wage requirements can be a stress for employer and the underpayment can strain the worker. This condition is to be blamed on the capital. The concentration of wealth is beneficial for society as t distributes resources across the society correctly. The law of completion is actually survival of the fittest.

2.  It is assumed that a millionaire lives a simple life without any extravaganza. Any extra amount he generates is set aside as a trust amount, where he decides what to do with the capital and to benefit the society. Because, wealthy men know how to spend money properly, and spend it wisely. Wealthy people know to home they are giving money, this is the reason they can do better than government agencies when we need to reform the societies or poor themselves.
Each of the document focuses on the inequalities among the American in the gilded age. To what extent did these authors perceive inequality to be a problem and what did they propose to do about it?  What happens to the American ideal of inequality?
According to Carnegie, the best way to deal with the wealth inequality is that the prosperous shares his money in a culpable and caring manner. He was of the opinion that inequality is a fact and cannot be escaped and it is changing American society. The proper administration of wealth is a main problem. The gilded age is the age of industrial revolution. Carnegie suggests that inequality rich people should control the wealth as they know how to spend it and where to spend it.