Deadline :-  19th Dec. 2019 11 AM

Word Limit : 900 (3 Pages)

Submit  Message: This assignment is an annotated bibliography. This is a course on psychology, the research should relate to health psychology and not purely to the medical issues related to the disorder and condition covered below. 

Research and write an annotated bibliography on the subject "Chronic and Life-threatening illness(e.g., Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, and HIV(AIDS)". 

Directions Using a South University Online Library database (ProQuest or EBSCOHOST only). 

Find six Journal articles related to the topic chosen. 

You must locate research articles published in scholarly journals. 

Scholarly Journals articles are also referred to as primary source, peer-reviewed articles. 

Articles must be current, that is, published within the last 5 to 6 years. 

Finally, websites magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and other books,or student papers cannot be used for this assignment. 

Write a summary for each of the journal articles found. 

Write an analysis and evaluation for each of the journal articles found. 

Use APA format, cite any source you use using the body of the assignment as required and references on a seperate page. 

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