Feldman’s Method

Two pics are there
Please select one 
300 words 

In a paragraph (minimum of 7-9 sentences), what is the artist trying to convey to the viewer? Write your answer in a clear way, so that anyone who reads it can understand what you are saying without seeing the image itself. To say "you do not know" is not fulfilling the requirements of this assignment. So if you are unsure, take a closer look at the work and create a story based on the visual elements you see before you.
In a paragraph (minimum of 7-9 sentences), what visual clues within the work do you feel supports your overall interpretation and the various aspects of it? Be very specific.
Submit you paper in a Word document on Canvas, no later than Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 2019 at I I:39pm.

Feldman’s Method
Diana S. Grimes
I can see that the picture is made on a piece of paper with lead pencil. Certain features are highlighted with the help of shading. The subject is a human face leaning towards the left corner of the page. The subject stands out with black color. The format and composition is simple. I can see the name of artist in the picture.
In the picture I can see a woman. The features of her face are highlighted like her eyes appear empty and hollow, her nose is not straight, her face leans towards the left corner of the page, the expression of her lips depicts that the woman is upset. Only lead pencil is used to make the picture. To make it more impactful, there are white spaces like her cheeks. The woman’s hair shows that she is in a state of depression because they are not arranged. Overall she looks tired.
The picture shows a woman waiting for something. Her empty eyes tell that she has been waiting for long for something which was never going to happen. Her features like nose and lips reveal that a lot of time has passed with the miserable condition. It appears she has lost hope, she has no faith that any good will happen to her. She no longer cares for her beauty. Beauty has already faded. She looks helpless. There are no colors in her life, nothing attractive. She is left with darkness, the darkness which captured her life and never ended. She looks unorganized.
The artist has given a strong message. I like the painting as it shows the condition of most of the women. In a contemporary society, women are kept in a condition where they tend to wait for their dreams to come true. The work is successful.  The artist accurately conveyed the message he intended to show.