Internet Access must be Limited to Students

AWR 201

Rough Draft Rubric

In the rough draft you should have your complete argument present and well organized. This is not the time to worry about style, but to work on the prosecution and structure of the argument. Your claims should be bold, logically argued, and well supported by your sources. Keep your paragraphs focused, with smooth transitions, and well integrated citations.

1500 word
3 good sources, MLA style
12 point, Times New Roman font
1” margins, name block, and page numbers

Argument __/50

            Clear, reasoned thesis __/10
Justified project “so what?” __/10
Reliability of sources __/10
Acknowledges multiple sides of discussion __/10
Conclusion has a call to action “what’s next?” __/10

Structure and Style __/50

            Attractive introduction __/10
            Quotations well integrated __/10
            Clear conclusion __/10
Clarity of sentences __/10
Overall flow __/5
Organic transitions _/5

Total ___/100

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Internet Access must be Limited to Students

In today’s business environment, internet access plays a significant role. Internet access and revolutionary technology has changed the perspective of everything(French and Shim). This argumentative topic will highlight the importance of traditional learning methods instead of internet things. The internet access and IT revolution should be limited for the students. In this argumentative, I will discuss that there should be limited access to the internet, especially to students. Especially, for teenagers, access to internet technology should be limited and controversial.
Internet access and technology should be in limited access for teenager’s students, or it should be only monitored by the adult tutor.


People very well know that internet access should use only when they need. As we are living in such a modern area of technology where the concept of internet access and technology revolution cannot be denied. Young generation and adults do not have any option to except the internet to gain knowledge and relevant information. However, it is argued that internet access should be limited for the students. There are some arguments which strongly support this concept.
Internet access and technology should be in limited use because through this way students stay away from illegal activities. For examples, social hacking, criminal activities are common on the internet. Teenagers students and adults do not differentiate legal and illegal activities in that age; therefore they did not know what is actually right and what is wrong. Rapid revolutionary technology and quick internet access have changed everything and it snatches the innocence of children(Thierer). To access different internet websites students especially, teenagers involve in criminal and illegal activities.
Moreover, many people argue that there must be limited access to the internet and too heavily restricted from seeing the political point of view(Escobar, Dagnino and Alvarez). In some regions, free and cheap internet access make easy for all to use internet anytime anywhere. Free and cheap internet access has increased the crime rate and online illegal activities. People through different names and fake identities made fool others through like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram and Twitter access.


Internet access and IT technology should be limited for the students because it disconnects students from social interactions and communities(Greenhow and Askari). In today’s world, young people did not know the essence of social meetings and interactions. However, social interaction and meetings are the best ways to gain knowledge and information. Students do not involve in outdoor games and planning through this way they have lack of knowledge. Moreover, internet access also badly affects the health of students. Continuously sitting for a long time in front of screen affect their eyes as well as their minds.
Moreover, many people are sceptical of technology, and it does not allow students to verbally communicate with each other(Grint, Jones and Holt). It kills the confidence and communication skills of the students. At the same time internet access disconnect students from collaboration and dynamic interaction among other people.


Especially for teenagers and students, there should be limited access to the internet and technology because it fosters cheating and frauds. For example, for research students, the digital use of the internet makes easy for copying and paste. However, it is illegal and sometimes considered as deceive behavior. Besides this, there are various advantages of using limited access to the internet. The limited use of internet access allows students to focuses on studies and helps them to stay away from unethical practices(Bell, Bryman and Harley).

While appearing in any test or academic career students use a massager to cheat, or they could use popular search engines called Google. This regarded as in cheating. Therefore, it is important that internet access should be limited to students because if it would be limited students will majorly focus on their academic career. Moreover, if there will be limited access to the internet, or even turning it off during tests, could increase the students’ attention in school and possibly help them achieve better grades(Grint, Jones and Holt).


On the other hand, people might think that internet access should not be limited to students as there are few many things needed which only access through the internet and technology. One might think that unlimited internet access allows students to find relevant information and related academic sources. Limited internet access helps students in the following areas,


One might argue that there must be limited access of internet to students because it positively helps student’s to gain knowledge and useful information regarding any topic. Moreover, it does not only provide useful information regarding any time but provide it timely. Limited access to internet saves time and reduce creepy effort(Blitt and Brassler). It can help students to get high grades instead of wasting time on traditional learning modes.


Unlimited access to the internet allows students and people to transmit and share information from one side to another(Becker, Davis and Freeman). It is the basic characteristics of the improved social media communications that one can share something to another in a quick way. The people can share something with their fellows via social communication. Moreover, this can be only possible when students will have unlimited access to internet facility and technology.


The unlimited use and access to the internet and technology help students to connect socially and transmit information. One might argue that social connected interactions give better results than traditional interaction. People argue that through the online connection they better communicate with each other anytime and anywhere. Because there is quick feedback get in online communication and wider reach. No matter in where the person lives, unlimited internet access allow wider reach and access worldwide (Zuboff).


The use of internet access should be limited to for students. Many people argue that students do not allow to use internet anytime. Internet access should be limited for the student because of many reasons. Through limited access to internet and technology students stay away from illegal activities, frauds, hacking activities as well as criminal activities(Cai, Du and Xin). Moreover, limited access to the internet allows users and students to mainly focus on studies and their academic career. Similarly, here the role of elders and assistants play an important role. The elders in a family must play a proactive role in stopping them from going astray. They can specify a time period or precautions to use the internet.


To conclude the paper, it is discussed that there should be limited access to internet access to students especially. Many people argue that there must be limited access to the internet for students in order to increase their efficiency and productivity. While many other people who thought that the internet should be unlimited argue that there must be unlimited access to the internet and use of IT technology to get better results.  Therefore, there must be limited access to the internet. On the other hand, people might argue that people have unlimited access to the internet to reach a wider range in order to transmit information.

Work Cited

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