Kierkegaard’s 3 Stages of Life

Describe Kierkegaard’s 3 stages of life! At what stage would you place yourself 
1-2 pages maximum 

Kierkegaard’s 3 Stages of Life
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Kierkegaard’s 3 stages of life
Soren Kierkegaard described 3 three stages of life in which a person can move through in the lifetime. These stages are as follows: 

Aesthetic Stage

                This stage can be defined by pleasure or a psychological hedonism in the lifetime. The pleasure that people feels after experiencing the beauty of life can be related to this stage of life such as experiencing the wonder of life by wrapping up in the music, travel, movies etc. When a person lives aesthetic life fullest of enjoyment, then he/ she might be at the aesthetic stage of life (Kierkegaard, 1845). This could be presented as the immature stage of life and concerned only with the personal enjoyment of the person.

Ethical Stage

                When a person has risen above from the aesthetic stage, and adopt the laws and regulations of the society to live in a way that is better for themselves and for the other people too, then that person may fall the ethical stage of life. Ethical people give more importance to promoting social welfare than personal enjoyment.

Religious Stage

                The person who is ruled by the teachings of God and have total faith in them can be considered as a religious person. The internal passion and spend the life according to the religious values could be the ambitions of the people who fall in this stage.
By considering the Kierkegaard’s 3 stages of life, I felt that I fall in the ethical stage of life, as I gave more importance to my social life as compared to religious or personal feelings. Before 3 years, I could consider myself in the aesthetic stage of life, but now I am concerned with my career and future goals, that demands to be tied with the other people and from the society.


Kierkegaard, S. (1845). Stadier paa Livets Vei. Gyldendals Bogklubber.