Secrets of Tribe: Yanomami

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Storyville Secrets Of The Tribe

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Secrets of Tribe: Yanomami
Watching this video, I felt very bad because this video has shown a criticism of competition among all the anthropologists. They all adopted different ways to study the lives of people of Yanomami. In this regard, some anthropologists have adopted the most uncivilised and unethical ways considering them a part of their study and few were never stoppable of their doings as no one really knows what is right and what is wrong. They followed what they asked to do them. No one actually believed in their rights; they all were there for their goals and personal seeking. This study has revealed much about the so called civilised behaviors of our lives. We consider ourselves ethical and civilised but for grabbing an opportunity, we cannot compete with each other on any level and can move out to any limit.
From the view of cultural relativism showed by anthropologists of Yanomami, the anthropologists have not made any judgments to their living standards, their behaviors, their culture and their ways of treating each other. They believed a simple and innocent way of living. At initial stages, anthropologists could not reveal much about them, and that’s why they think that they are a simple form of humans living away from all kind of races, competitions of life, with peace and unity. It is because they do not have a clear picture of their mentality and culture they pursue. They were a god in the belief of anthropologists because they were far away from materialistic use of life and also because they were not competing with each other for the materials because they do not have them. If they were having any materialistic approaches, then they would also behave like the human beings of the civilised communities.
After a long time, the anthropologists got to know the real face of their lives. And then the ethnocentric view just began. Just not having modern tools and techniques is not an answer to the simple living, they were fierce, they were violent, and they killed the people for their reasons. They kill the first born baby girl of their own families because they believe if they do so, they will have a long family with baby boys. This is a bad aspect of their lives. Fighting over women is another common v0ilent behavior found in them. And it has been admitted by them, that they kill each other for women. There are lots of fights and wars they fought for women.
As the emic view of life, the study of the anthropologist in contrast to Yanomami life is different. The Yanomami believes that they have the best living away from other resources that we have. They consider that all issues arise in their lives are just because of the entrance of theses anthropologists who came for a short time, but they made so many changes to their lives that they cannot afford to conduct. The Yanomami far away from civilisation, live a life where they can access everything of their desire effortlessly by snatching, or by killing. They have produced their resources to life and are happy with these resources.

In the etic view of the life of Yanomami, the anthropologists have many views into consideration. They believe they possess violence behavior. As described in the video, once they were living in the tribe, they cannot be out of them. If there women will go out of a tribe, they will kill her. This is the view they believe to be a much uncivilised way of life, as they are violating the human rights of the living. The killing of people, for their own personal acquiring’s, is not a solution to a living world. They are living far away from the rules of life. And following their ancient way of living, they are teaching there next generation the same ways of living. There is no one to guide them for their health, or ethics, and the rule of life and the moral values of life. Without following the norms of life, they live a very humiliating life which is not acceptable for anthropologists and human beings.
If we talk about the cultural vie of life of Yanomami people are following, then it has to mention that there is no culture followed. The cultural approaches cannot be applied to them from many sources. If it has to be the living value of Yanomami, neither they follow the functionalist approach, neither have they followed the societal values, nor they are also far away from the standards of life. They follow thee uncivilised minds, the thought of ruling others by gaining whatever they want. All anthropologists have differently treated them, some were very involved in their lives, and some were thee to make general views of their lives. The anthropologists used the functionalist approach of culture by providing those foods, goods commodities of life but they could not change their mentalities of life. They remained uncivilised for their reasons. One of the anthropologists married a girl among them but could not sustain his marriage because according to him the cultural difference of free living society and a society where they have to follow civilised behaviors of life they choose free living. They can never be adjusted according to the lives we are living in.
While visits to the land of Yanomami, they were asked by the anthropologists from where they get the food resources, how do they make a living, hat they believed and what they don’t? The anthropologists were of the view that they do not believe what we think about life. They have their own rules, their way of intimations among human, own culture of living; they do not need any assistance from the world that they do not belong to. They cannot allow someone to enter their area and they don’t allow their women’s to go to other tribes.
The anthropologist, Kenneth Good married a girl from the tribe, who was a teenager 11 years old at that time. And he stared living there with the people of Yanomami. After a few years of living, he came back to his state with his wife and children, and a few years later they also got divorced. According to other anthropologists, he did this to get his studies done more effectively, for fame and he did a wrong thing as he a married a very young girl. For all the anthropologists, his step of getting into a relationship with such a girl was a very clever step taken by him. It is reported that for marring that girl he divorced his first wife, his girlfriend made a suicide attempt because no one was going to believe that he was in a relationship which is unacceptable in any circumstances. But he said that they inspired him and that’s why he decided to marry her.
For me, his step was very unjustified by him. If he did this to fulfill his needs of completing his studies as claimed by other anthropologists, then it is the most unethical decision and is against the rights of human that he married a young girl. The villagers allow him to do so because they do not have a concept of life that civilised people follow. So for me in any situation, it was the unethical and worst decision because after many years of living with his wife he divorced her by stating that she could not get adjusted to the rule of living we follow. So his step is un-defendable in any way, and the anthropologists were right not to support him.