Sia’s Battle with Grave’s Disease

  1. Research and write a 1 page paper only about the personal story of a celebrity battle with an endocrine disease including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments of a endocrine disorder. Must provide at 2 different citations (12 Times New Roman, 12 sized font, double spaced typed)

1 page hard copy!
Sia’s Battle with Grave’s Disease
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Sia’s Battle with Grave’s Disease
Wendy Williams is one of the well-known talk show hosts, she is the newest public face of Graves. She is one of those who are suffering from this painful disease. Wendy William is widely known all around the globe for her dedication and motivation to flourish and excel in her career and overcome her exuberating Grave’s disease (Show, 2018)
                William is now 50 years old and this disease was diagnosed when she was in her 30’s. On Oct. 31, 2017, she was fainted during her on-air show, although she said that is was due to feeling overheated. It’s so pitying for her to be diagnosed with a disease that only 1 out of 5000 suffer.
                One of the major symptoms seen in William was hyperthyroidism which results in being overheated. She said that she will take a three-week break from her job after. Over enlargement of the thyroid gland, twice the conventional one, due to overproduction of thyroid hormones is an immune system disorder and is known as Grave’s disease. Some of its symptoms include heart palpitations, loss of weight, goitre and fatigue. Williams stated that her thyroid was totally catawampus, moreover bulging eyes and rapid heartbeat, thinning hair and difficulties in swallowing are the common symptoms faced by her (, 2019).
                Treatments of Grave’s disease are also painful and includes the usage of radioactive iodine, PTU, and antithyroid drugs for the treatment. She had to take antithyroid medications. Some patients also prefer surgery to remove their thyroid. William’s was on the verge of resigning her designations and losing her fame in this career, but she did not let her disease be a barrier in her life and fiercely fought with it (, 2019). In March 19,2019 she revealed on her live show that she was living in the sober house, for her recovery to get escape from the addiction. She later launched a house for those who want to get rid of that addiction. Her mental and physical health is getting better and better daily and her sadness, anxiousness, and depression didn’t let her down.

References (2019, 1 12). Wendy Williams and Graves' Disease: What You Need to Know. Retrieved from
Show, W. (2018, 2 24). This week, talk show host Wendy Williams announced that she has Graves’ disease. Retrieved from
