3645 : Analytical Framework

Guidelines for the Final Project-2: Analytical Framework Each research group is required to carry out the rooms ing: information. You need to I-Identify and collect primary and secondary collect the needed information and to presenttohradts:oformation in relation to your research question(s)/objective(s). (500 l% 2. Present good graphs, tables, figures and charts in order to summarize information for your readers and to show trends. Include a sort proposal for interviews structure or a questionnaire you are planning to use in sour research along with evidence of secondary data collection (annual documents, reports as appendices (1500 words); 4-Compare your key findings with findings of the precious research that you found throughout your literature review. Do your findings agree or disagree with the previous research (literature review). if these findings are totally different, why? (1000 words); 5-Present the research conclusions in short. Conclusions must be a fully detailed summary of the research and must he fully related to the research questions/ objectives (500 words); 

a-Present ereenannessdadans for futon mese( h. Mtn rot gn t must be based on sour research results ■ and insist be fulls viola ned (50o swords) 7- References and eltation•; IN- lunched indices 

- The assist's'', framework must be written is AQU report format than: Times New Roman: Reading. Font Sire: la: Te • Font slit: 121: - References and citation. (nun! be %%mien as per the manner sou learslb in class rooms,: - Final Project 2 must be submitted to Safe Astizn on Rink Hoard on amt. 


Impact of Rewarding System on Group Performance & Corporation in Universities of Sharjah 

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In this specific study the researcher has evaluated that the motivation level of university students of UAE is quite low due to which most of the time, they are unable to complete their degree and drop out even before that. Major issues take place during the process of a research paper. 

The paper intends to evaluate the impact of reward system on the performance and collaboration of students. The individual students as well as groups both will be analyzed. Once the effectiveness of rewarding proves for the students, then the universities of UAE can implement it for retaining the students within the country. Currently, most of the students go to foreign universities for obtaining higher education and achieving greater success in the study. 

Mixed method approach will be used for the completion of research and obtaining answer for the research questions. Both primary as well as secondary method will be used for the collection of data. Survey method will be used and questionnaire as the key tool for primary data collection. Secondary data will be collected from different websites and other sources. After data collection it will be analyzed to present the authentic results. suggestions will be also made. 


1 Chapter 1- Introduction: 4

1.1 Background of the study: 4

2 Chapter 2- Literature Review 6

2.1 Problem Statement 10

2.2 Research Aim 11

2.3 Research Objectives 11

2.4 Research Questions 12

2.5 Primary Question 12

2.6 Secondary Questions 12

2.7 Research Hypothesis 12

2.8 Research Gap 12

3 Research Methodology 12

3.1 Research Method 13

3.2 Research philosophies 13

3.3 Research approach 14

3.4 Research design 14

3.5 Population of Study 15

3.6 Sampling technique 15

3.7 Data Collection 16

3.7.1 Primary 16

3.7.2 Secondary 16

3.8 Data Analysis 16

3.9 Research Reliability & Validity 17

Research Ethics 17

4 Bibliography 18

  1. Chapter 1- Introduction:

    1. Background of the study:

In order to influence students for learning, reward systems are used in the education system. Reward system is referred to as a group of neutral structures which are responsible for incentive salience, for example, motivation, desire and craving of reward. The rewarding system is used often in the education system. Teachers prefer this practice as it will help to motivate students to learn better and improve their performance in order to become a beneficial group member. Working in groups is a good practice it allows students to improve their communication skills and other practices. Reward systems are an everyday practice in the educational system. A myriad of incentive programs and strategies have been developed in order to manage the behaviour of students. Although reward systems may result in compliance or shot term goals, in order to stop the reward system many students can feel discourage and that will also impact their studies negatively. 

This study will help to estimate the impact of reward system on the performance of student groups, also its overall impact on effective learning. There are many beliefs that students learn more when they work in a group, but that can have negative impacts as well. Factors which help the student in learning through group study are; they can discuss their topics with others which can help to know about different beliefs and perspectives. That practice will improve their abilities in terms of improved communication and learning habits which could help in working with the team. Along with the benefits of group, work rewards add advantage, students can be rewarded individually or in the group, but assessment should be done separately according to the performance of every individual. 

Rewarding students have many benefits like it allows improved behaviour, classroom performance and involvement of students in studies is increased, this allows to boost self-esteem in students, improved results are also an outcome of reward system (Heather, Smith, Slaughter, & Fagan, 2018).  Student behaviour in class indirectly associated with their performance and attributes towards study and class, giving them reward will help to make them active in class. Students will involve being involved in effective learning along with paying attention to the importance of their learning and outcomes. Improved learning is an ultimate benefit of the reward system, students will learn effectively and efficiently in order to get a reward, it will raise a sense of competition within classroom, everyone will work to show better performance which will result in improved grades. Getting rewards to increase the self-esteem of a person, students will be more satisfied with their performance, and that will bring a constant change in their personality.

This paper will discuss the impact of group-based reward systems in universities of Sharjah; group based rewards are given after measuring the performance of the team, rewarding the whole team motivate group members to work more effectively, other people will get influenced with their team performance. It will have a positive impact on the whole class. Working in groups allows students to learn practicality, it will teach them to work in teams which will be beneficial for their future. It will improve their moral; students will learn to accept the perspective of other people they will learn how to avoid backstabbing and also they will learn techniques of working effectively in a mix culture environment. Cooperating with other team members will develop a sense of workmanship and leadership abilities will be developed at the same time. Although some people think that group rewards are not very attractive but to some getting successful as a team is more beneficial because more people are involved in that activity and everyone plays a vital role in the success of that project (Michael & McCabe, 2017).

All in all, group reward can be beneficial for students as well as teachers, teachers will have to put fewer energies in explaining tasks to every student separately, that time and energy can be used in other productive group discussions. Teachers play a vital role in creating a positive impact of group reward system on students, fair results and rewarding team according to their performance will help teachers to set the standards, students can get disappointed at some stages, handling them with care ensuring the fair judgement will cover any risk. That practice can have a positive impact on the student behaviour, they will participate more in projects and work with motivation in order to achieve good remarks by mentor and that will definitely help in creating a peaceful environment in class.

  1. Chapter 2- Literature Review 

This chapter includes a review of literature already written in this field; this will review the concept of rewarding, how it affects the group performance. It will also discuss the theories given, related to this study. 

Suzanne Hidi (2015) has debated about the effectiveness of rewards in studies, rewards are examined by many psychologists and neuroscientists as it is one of the main issues which is associated with social and educational psychology. In this paper, this reward processing is studied in comparison to behavioural outcomes. At first findings of both social and educational psychology and neurologists, research have been discussed in the paper. Five topics are focused in this case according to the need of integration of findings; these points are difference in extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, understanding the effects of reward, causes of undermining effect of reward, individual differences in rewarding process. The positive aspect of that report is; this process can be utilized in effective educational growth (Suzanne, 2016).

Nabeel et al. (2018) have argued that the learning preferences of students and what are the factors which contribute to this matter. The strategies which were focused on in this paper are, student motivation, mastery effort, competitiveness, time poorness and assessment focus. This paper provides useful insights of contracts pertaining to the strategies of students in UAE, different implementations are discussed which highlighted many theoretical as well as professional contribution in this field. This paper portrayed a path for future researches to address the rest issues (Nabeel, et al., 2018).

Lasse at al. (2015) have discussed in this paper about achievement badges, used in order to engage and motivate people, it is basically a graphical icon which appears as a reward after competition of task. This paper describes the use of achievement badges in an online learning environment where students solve interactive automatically assessed exercises throughout their semester, in end badges were given to students in the treatment group, it was later analyzed that students who get badges were more motivated for coming assignments. That badges affect their behaviour positively, according to this study achievement badges are a very promising method to motivate students (Lasse, Auvinen, & Korhonen, 2015).

Xiaodong et al. (2016) have discussed in the paper about the importance of motivation in learning and achievement process, many factors contribute to motivating students which includes external reward, school environment and personal tasks. Research findings showed that shaping the beliefs of students can change their behavioural pattern. Every author of paper studied motivational process in classrooms along with testing the effectiveness of interventions in comparison to closed conditions. This paper reflects efforts of thoughtfully understanding the process which leads to motivation in learning. (Xiaodong, Dweck, & Cohen, 2016). 

Shobaki & Abu-Naser (2017) have debated about the role of practising strategies in education in the system which help to achieve the sustainable advantage of higher education. This paper is based on a systematic exploratory, descriptive review of the literature. Paper discusses the need for excellence strategies used in education and excellence reward. It shows that there is a need for increasing efforts in implementing excellence progress along with the allocation of time and rewarding outstanding efforts. This study underlines the needs of the transparent reward system in order to encourage innovation on education system (Mazen & Abu-Naser, 2017).

Basher El-khasawneh (2018) has discussed the motivational tools which can be used in the Educational system to improve effective learning. It is quite challenging to educate students in developing counties in which primary needs are taken care of by the government, which created a space for young generations to aspire. Lack of internal drive in these situations creates a dilemma for teachers; they need to know that how they can motivate a student to pay attention to their studies. This paper discussed different tools of motivation including a rewarding system to develop an interest in students and other learning practices (Bashar, 2018).

Christian et al. (2016) have debated on the importance of rewards in order to motivate students, in learning, teacher’s motivation influence student motivation. Relationship between teacher and student plays an important role in learning. Different strategies of rewards and reinforcement can be used in order to make the situation better. This report is based on quasi-experiment which shows that small rewards help to enhance the ability of students. Also, it helps in improving the performance of each member in the group. This research paper also highlights that implementation of a reward system by online educators as feedback ensure desirable learning outcome (Christian, Furtmüller, & Güttel, 2016).

David & Pai (2012) have examined that most of the time rewards are used in the class rooms for keeping the students motivated. The other researchers have confirmed the importance of rewarding for collaboration. Many students find out the benefits of the rewarding system but working individually puts a negative impact on students. The reason behind that can be the effects of reward removal, as they are typically in individual studies. Reward and their removal can affect alternately on group and individual. This study is based on the hypothesis that groups show less detrimental effects than the individual (David & Pai, 2012).

Steve & Allen (2018) have discussed the need for motivation in learning along with reward system importance while students work in a group. Ideally, students have interests and motivation to learn, but many need outer inducements. Many psychologists have done a lot of studies which shows the importance of group learning and the role of the reward system in the educational system. External rewards undermine intrinsic motivation; in this paper debate is done on implementation of a reward system along with its pros and cons regarding offers given to students (Steve & Allen, 2018).

Haffeje & J. (2017) have elaborated student’s perspective about grouping, how this activity advances their communication, understanding and participation and overall learning due to collaborative exercise. This report is made by conducting the descriptive quantitative study; a questionnaire is used for rating the performance of the group in a multi-racial tertiary setting. Results of the study show that studying in a group and making projects in the group was more beneficial for students than working in groups. Using minor strategies of group work are able to develop a healthy climate for learning; also this activity improves self-directedness during course culture studies (J. & Haffejee, 2017).

Yuki & Mori (2017) have examined the practices of rewarding and their impact on the conformity of minority respondents in this experiment. Twenty groups of university students were involved in that study. All were randomly assigned one of each foursome to minority, while others were added in a group of three.  During the process, group members were informed that they would be rewarded individually on the base of performance, while rest groups were informed that they would be rewarded in groups. Result of that report shows that a minority of respondents to group rewards while no minority responded majority in rewards for individual groups (Yuki & Mori, 2017).

Ciprian et al. (2015) have debated on substantial components of program assessment, in order to satisfy institutional as well as student expectations. It is also discussed that individual marks should be assigned to every student according to their performance in the group project. It is discussed that; there is no single useful method which can be implemented on the peer assessment scenarios like errors in intragroup rankings and marks exceeding 100%. The paper has used analytical mapping method for elaboration of present benefits of the educational system (Ciprian, Penna, Mills, Kutija, & Cooke, 2015)

    1. Problem Statement

Emirati students face a lot of challenges during the period of higher education. There is a lack of motivation among the students because they fear that their skills and abilities will not be competent enough to fulfil the norms of the market. majority of the students either prefer to study in a foreign country or drop out of the college. UK and USA seem them a tempting opportunity for making the career. According to the most recent statistics, in the year 2017 only 266 students who make the 10.7% total population enrolled in graduate education. This figure was 26.1% decreased from the previous year (export.gov, 2019). 

The detailed analysis of the education system of the region has indicated that the research students majorly face issues in the universities. There is a lack of motivation for them due to which most often they lose the spirit of hard work. Some of them are so hopeless that they leave the university without completing the degree due to which later on they are unable to get the good jobs and fulfil their financial needs. Moreover, this attitude of students also put a big question mark on the performance of the universities.  

To solve this problem effectively the paper has purposed the reward system for the students to keep their motivation high. the impact of the reward system will be evaluated on both individual and group performance as well as the collaboration of the students.

    1. Research Aim

The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of reward system on the performance and collaboration of the students who are enrolled in universities for higher education. the effect will be evaluated both for the individual and group of students so the specific results could be provided which can help the universities in improving the system and retaining the students. 

    1. Research Objectives

There are following some of the key objectives of the research paper:

  • To effectively evaluate the impact of reward system for both individuals and groups

  • To inspect the impact of rewarding on performance and collaboration. 

  • To explore the difficulties which the research groups faced in their universities. 

    1. Research Questions

    2. Primary Question

  1. What is the impact of reward system on the individuals or groups’ performance and collaboration?

    1. Secondary Questions 

  1. What will be the impact of reward system on the overall performance of Universities of Sharjah?

  2. What are the key issues faced by the students in research?

    1. Research Hypothesis

Most of the organizations implement a reward system on their HR for increasing the job performance and improve job satisfaction; thus, the study intends to evaluate the effectiveness of the reward system on the performance of Sharjah Universities.

H0: There is no significant relationship between reward system and group performance.

H1: There is a significant relationship between reward system and group performance.

    1. Research Gap 

This topic has been selected because the researcher wants to experiment either the reward system will work for the universities of Sharjah or not. As it rewards, system has proven importance for increasing the overall job satisfaction for the employees. however, the idea of reward for improving the performance of students is quite unique.  Very few works have taken place in this dimension. 

  1. Research Methodology

The research methodology is the specific systematic method which is used for the completion of the research. In research, methodology direction is specified which will lead the way to the accomplishment of research objectives. Through this systematic method, the answers of the research questions also evaluated. The execution of the research includes several steps such as research design, approach, philosophy, data collection, sampling and analysis. After the analysis of data, significant results are suggested to the targeted audience which can help them in one or the other way (Ranjit, 2019). 

In this specific paper, the key purpose of performing the research is to evaluate the relationship between the rewarding system and the performance of students specifically in the universities of Sharjah. 

    1. Research Method

Mixed method research will be used for this paper. Both primary, as well as secondary methods, will be utilized for the purpose of data collection. In the primary method, the first-hand data will be collected from the region while for the secondary data collection internet, and other sources will be used as the key tool (Uwe, 2015). 

    1. Research philosophies

A wide range of research philosophies are available and the researcher can select from them which is most suitable. For instance, the choices can revolve around pragmatism, realism, interpretivism and positivism. Each research philosophy has different characteristics; for instance, positivism is most suitable for those researchers who have to deal with the large samples and the data is highly structured. On the other hand, interpretivism is good with the samples which are small yet detailed (Steven, Bogdan, & DeVault, 2015). However, pragmatic research philosophy is used for the mixed method designs for those research methods in which the data is collected from both qualitative as well as quantitative manner. 

For this specific paper pragmatic research philosophy has been selected because it supports the method of data collection. This research philosophy will help in the analysis of data which has been collected from several sources (Steven, Bogdan, & DeVault, 2015). 

    1. Research approach

The research approach is the plan plus procedure which comprised of different steps of wide assumption to the detailed process of data collection, interpretation and analysis. There are three different approaches such as inductive, deductive and abductive from which the researchers can select the one which they find most suitable.  In deductive approach, when the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true while in abductive research approach is used for the known premises for generating testable conclusions. In the inductive approach known premises are utilized for the generation of untested conclusions (Christina, Babin, Carr, & Griffin, 2019). 

For this specific paper, inductive research approach will be used because the reward system is a known premise, but its impact on students’ performance has been not tested yet. This will be most suitable and help the researcher in obtaining the desired results. in this research approach, data is collected with the purpose to explore a phenomenon, evaluate themes and craft the patterns. A conceptual framework is also generated. 

    1. Research design

Research design can be described as the plan which is used for answering a specific question while the research methodology helps in the implementation of the strategy. A good research design always ensures that the collected data help in answering the research question in an effective manner. the research design also elaborates the type of study. There are different research designs including descriptive, meta-analytic, correlation, literature review, semi-experimental and experimental (Teherani, Tina, Terese, Anupma, & Varpio, 2015). 

Both qualitative, as well as quantitative research design, will be used for this specific  paper. Due to the usage of both approaches the researcher will conduct an inclusive literature review and also do semi-experiment. The population will be specified for increasing research validity and reliability. 

    1. Population of Study

For this specific study, the researcher has specified university enrolled students of UAE who have to write a research paper. This specific population has been selected because the author is evaluating the importance of the rewarding system for their motivation and performance improvement. Most of the time, the students have to write the paper on an individual basis while in some of the rare cases they are allocated the project on the basis of groups. Thus, the researcher will analyze the importance of the reward system for both groups and individuals (Jeanes, Coen, Wilson, Drey, & Gould, 2015). The students from the universities of Sharjah will be selected for fulfilling the survey. Professors of the university will also be given the questionnaire to fill. Their opinion is also necessary for this paper because in the end they are the one who is going to implement the system in the universities. 

    1. Sampling technique

Convenience sampling technique will be used by the researcher for the selection of the research sample. Only those students will be given the questionnaire who are willing to take part in the study. Along with survey, a consent letter will also be given for taking the signature of participants. The purpose of the study and the usage of data collection will be clearly mentioned in that paper, so the participants have a clear idea. Majorly the Qaismia University of Sharjah has been selected. The students and teachers of this university will be the major participants of research (Nicholas, 2017). 

    1. Data Collection

The data will be collected in the following two ways:

      1. Primary

For the collection of primary data, the researcher will use the survey method. a questionnaire will be prepared in which the different research questions will be added and every question will have 5 possible options. The questionnaire will be closed-ended for enhancing the quality of research. Every option will be given 1 value. After crafting a questionnaire, the pilot test will be implemented on it for reducing the errors (Kevin & Gunaydin, 2015). 

      1. Secondary

Secondary data will be collected from different sources. An inclusive literature review will be done from the electronic and published resources. The data will be collected from the official websites of universities, journal peer review articles, news articles and books. Once the data is collected then its relevancy to the research objectives and questions will be checked. Only those data sources will be selected which are most relevant to the research. 

    1. Data Analysis

  Different methods will be used for the analysis of primary and secondary data. For instance, for the analysis of primary data, the researcher will use SPSS as the key tool. The regression, correlation or chi-square test will be implemented for the evaluation of results. 

On the other hand, the hypothesis method will be used for the analysis of secondary data. Different themes will be created and then regarding that, the most appropriate and suitable data sources will be checked. After the complete analysis of data, research findings will be suggested. 

Demographics Analysis


Data was collected from 190 respondents; 34 % were females and 66% were males as shown in Figure 4.1.  

Figure 4.1: Gender of Respondents

Age Group:

Questions were asked from respondents, 25 were 20 to 25 years old; 86 were 26 to 30 years old; 66 were 31 to 35 years old and 13 were 36 or above years old as shown in figure 4.2. 

Figure 4.2: Age of respondents 

Education Level of Respondents:

Amongst 190 respondents 33% had diploma level education, 24% post graduation degrees, and 43% were had graduation degrees as shown in figure 4.3. 

Figure 4.3: Education level of Respondents 

Survey Results:

Do you think reward will improve employees and group performance at workplace?

Above questions was asked from 190 people; 6 were strongly disagree, 9 were disagree, 19 remained neutral, 89 answered as agree, and 67 respondents were strongly agree. This is found that mainly respondents were agree that rearward improves performance of the group, as shown in figure 4.4. 

Strongly Disagree








strongly Agree


Figure 4.4

Satisfaction with the regular and systematic financial policies regarding the increment and other monetary benefits improve the performance.

Above question was asked from research participant; 12 were strongly disagree, 11 were agree, 9 were natural; 70 were agree and 90 respondents were strongly agree with the statement as shown in figure 4.5; Therefore this is found that Satisfaction with the regular and systematic financial policies regarding the increment and other monetary benefits improve the performance.

Strongly Disagree








strongly Agree


Figure 4.5

Higher salary and pay raise on good performance improve the performance

Above question was asked from 190 people; 9 were strongly disagree, 15 were agree, 14 were natural, 63 were agree and 89 were strongly agree as shown in figure 4.5. Therefore this is found that Higher salary and pay raise on good performance improve the performance

Figure 4.5

Strongly Disagree








strongly Agree


    1. Research Reliability & Validity 

Research reliability and validity can be increased and the researcher will work for it. for instance, to improve the reliability of research variables have been fixed. The rewarding system has been taken as the independent variable while group performance and collaboration are taken as the dependent variables. While research reliability is related to the replication of the research findings. To avoid this issue, the researcher will only focus on the students of Sharjah universities. 

Research Ethics 

During the conduction of whole research, ethics will be considered seriously. for instance, the researcher will not copy the work of previous authors. All the data will be used by paraphrasing method and proper referencing will be made for given credit to the work. No personal questions will be included in the research survey. The personal information of the participant will be kept secret. The official data of universities will be used only for the research purpose. the data protection and privacy policies will not be damaged during the whole process. 

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