MKT3033 Digital Marketing Strategies and Tactics



Assessment 3: Individual Report: Digital Marketing

Strategies and Tactics


1. Introduction


2. Methodology


3. Section 3: Implementation Plan


3.1 Strategies and Tactics to Achieve your Objectives


3.1a Design and Usability Factors


3.1b Getting Customers Attention – Driving Traffic to the Site:

Search Engine Optimisation


3.1c Getting Customers Interest, Desire and Action – Driving

Traffic to the Site


Email Marketing


Public Relations


Social Media Marketing


Online Advertising


3.1d Generating Revenue


4. Section 4: Customer Service, Relationship and Loyalty Plan


5. Section 5: Time Line for Promotion Strategies


Social Media Marketing


Content Marketing


Email Marketing


Display Advertising


Affiliate Marketing


Public Relations


6. Section 6: The future


7. Conclusion


8. References


9. Appendix


Executive Summary

This report aims to develop e-marketing strategies and tactics for Boohoo PLC.

Firstly, strategies to increase the usability of Boohoo’s website include repositioning items from the drop down menu to the homepage, increasing the whitespace featured on the site and enhancing the speed of the website load time.

In order to better attract consumers to Boohoo’s site, SEO strategies have also been implemented. Strategies include separating embedded text in images to allow keywords to be indexed by search engines, improving Boohoo’s meta description, enabling users to share products via social media, increasing the use of long-tail key words and enhancing the quality of back links.

Subsequently, strategies to gain customer interest and desire where formulated. These involved creating a personalised email marketing strategy, developing a PR strategy to promote the app, creating original social media content by utilising famous Boohoo collaborators and promoting via display adverts.

Additionally, CRM strategies were developed to retain loyal customers via email marketing

and to convert brand terrorists to brand advocates.

A timeline outlining the execution of promotional activities for 2019 highlighted all-year- round use of social media, email and content marketing strategies.

Finally, a future strategy was developed for Boohoo to exploit the upcoming trend of searching via visual recognition. This would become a feature of the app and website to enhance user experience and Boohoo’s collection of data.

1. Introduction

This report aims to develop e-marketing strategies and tactics for Boohoo PLC. Firstly, objectives developed for Boohoo in report 2 will be outlined. Based on these objectives, section 3 will develop strategies and tactics related to the website usability, search engine optimisation (SEO) and promotional activities. Next, section 4 will outline strategies to retain customers through customer relationship management (CRM). Finally, a timeline for promotional strategies to be executed will be outlined in addition to a future strategies for Boohoo to also implement.

2. Methodology

This report has made use of various secondary sources which include marketing intelligence reports from Euromonitor and Mintel, textbooks, journal articles and various online sources.

3. Section 3: Implementation Plan

3.1 Strategies and Tactics to Achieve your Objectives

1.  Increase web traffic by 15% within the first 12 months from implementation specific strategies

2.  Increase Boohoo brand awareness through paid social media advertising

3.  Increase number of Boohoo mobile app downloads by 20% within 6 months

4.  Decrease bounce rate by 10% within 3 months

5.  Increase organic search position - Google PageRank by 20% within 12 months

3.1a Design and Usability Factors

Boohoo’s website usability strengths currently lie within the sites ‘good’ mobile loading speed, of 2 seconds, optimisation, 95/100, and the sites use of alt-tags (PageSpeed Tools

2018; Phillips & Chaparro, 2009). However, the desktop website loading speed, 1.8s, ranked as ‘average’ whilst the sites optimisation, 65/100, ranked as ‘medium’ (PageSpeed Tools, 2018). Additionally, the design of the site can also act as a barrier to Boohoo’s usability (Chaffey & Smith, 2013). As seen in figure 1, the current site uses multiple typefaces and call-to-actions to draw emphasis, however, drawing users attention to everything on the site can overwhelm and effectively draw users attention to nothing (Mango Media, 2015). In addition to the many typefaces and colours used, excessive use of promotions can also lead to users becoming distracted or confused (Babich, 2018).

Figure 1: Boohoo’s Homepage

Source: Boohoo, 2018

Similarly, Boohoo’s navigation system uses a mega-drop down menu characterised by an extensive choice of categories and sub-categories, such as ‘dresses’, ‘party dresses’,

‘bridesmaid dresses’, ‘little black dresses’ , etc. Additionally, the drop down menu includes

items which can be perceived as out of context, for example promoting users to sign up to

‘Boohoo premier’ a next day delivery service (Boohoo, 2018). Due to Boohoo’s extensive choice list, categories/links can be cut off by the bottom of the page whilst the user is unable to scroll down to view as the navigation menu is ‘sticky’ (Halarewich, 2016).

Figure 2: Boohoo’s Drop Down Menu

Source: Boohoo, 2018

In order to enhance Boohoo’s website usability and user experience a new wireframe for the website has been developed (see figure 3). The main adaptions to the wireframe include the addition of looks from social media displayed via a carousel and a call-to-action for users to become a Boohoo member. Firstly, the inclusion of looks from social media aims to enhance the user experience by appealing to the target audiences preferences. As noted in the previous report, consumers purchase intent is more likely to be influenced by people their own age than celebrities. Furthermore, by utilising real people to showcase their  product  Boohoo  can  overcome  the  main  barrier  to  online  purchasing,  which  is

‘wanting to see the product first’ (Perks, 2017). Alternatively, Boohoo can enhance their user experience by removing the out of context membership offer from the drop down

menu to just below the fold on the website. This aims to reduce the capacity and time for users to scan taken up by the drop down menu and increase the predictability of the website design. To ensure predictability of the website design the position of the membership sign up will be permanently place just below the fold (Babich, 2018).

Figure 3: Boohoo Wireframe


New in Womens Mens Kids Sale Inspire

Womens Promo Email Sign-up Promo Mens Promo

Shop Womens Shop Mens

Above the Fold

Become a Member: Boohoo Premier Unlimited Next Day Delivery

*£7.99 a Year*

Looks from

Social Media

Looks from

Social Media

Looks from

Social Media

Looks from

Social Media

Latest Campaign/Collaboration

Despite the few small adaptions, the wireframe has predominantly remained the same. This is because the current design leads itself to usability, on mobile and desktop, and aligns with the Boohoo’s positioning and brand values. As established in assignment 2, Boohoo is positioned as a fast fashion company that targets cost conscious consumers. Therefore the hierarchy of placing promotional offers just below the navigation menu caters to the target audiences’ demand for promotional offers (Perks, 2017). Furthermore, competing fast fashion sites, such as nastygal, prettylittlething and missguided place promotional links below the navigation menu, subsequently establishing the placement as predictable and convenient to the target audience. Therefore significant changes to the predictable format can negatively impact upon customer satisfaction and perceived value of Boohoo’s service (Ganguly et al., 2010). Finally, Boohoo’s mega drop down menu has also largely remained the same as the broad and shallow strategy can positively influence the SEO ranking and visitor conversions (Crestodina, 2018).

In order to differentiate Boohoo from its competitors with similar formats the execution of the wireframe will be focussed on. This includes the content, features and functionality which are developed on top of the wireframe created. As seen in appendix 1, white space and clarity can be generated by using simple backgrounds in images, increased spacing between characters and images and using minimal text and typefaces (Karol, 2016). This content strategy not only enhances the user experience by simplifying and improving interactions, it also differentiates Boohoo from direct competitors (Babich, 2017). Boohoo’s differentiated design aims to position Boohoo at the higher end fast fashion market. Furthermore, the new higher end positioning can increase consumers perceived value for money, the greatest influence on purchase decision (Goody, 2016).

Finally, Boohoo can also enhance its usability by improving upon the ‘average’ loading speed of the website (PageSpeed Tools, 2018). This can be achieved by using the site convert binary to compress PNG, JPEG and GIF images (PageSpeed Tools, 2018). Additionally, Boohoo can cache more resources on their homepage, for example the now permanently placed membership sign-up header (PageSpeed Tools, 2018).

In response to the proposed changes to Boohoo’s wireframe and website design, measurements to test the sites usability will be implemented. As seen in table 1, Boohoo will measure download delay and site traffic daily to ensure operational inefficiencies are avoided as the site is updated daily with new promotional offers (Palmer, 2002). Additionally, page views of links on the homepage and task completion of the newly positioned membership sign up link will be measured weekly as increased views and shorter completion of task time can highlight enhance performance of the site (Nielson,


Table 1: Boohoo’s Usability Metrics

Usability Metric


Download Delay


Site Traffic


Page Views (those directly linked to on the homepage)


Task Completion


3.1b Getting Customers Attention – Driving Traffic to the Site: Search Engine


This next section of the report focusses on achieving objectives 1, 2, 3 and 5 by optimising

Boohoo’s search engine ranking.

Table 2: Search Engines Boohoo Selected:

Search Engine

% of Global Traffic











Source: StatCounter, 2016

These 5 search engines have been selected for Boohoo to target as they possess the largest share of global traffic and offer a more tailored approach to targeting Boohoo’s international markets (StatCounter, 2016).

The content and usability can improve Boohoo’s SEO, as the amount of indexable keywords needs to be increased (Moz, 2018). Search engines, such as Google, are currently unable to identify keywords on Boohoo’s homepage such as ‘shop festival’ or

‘boohoo man by French Montana’ (see figure 1) as the text is embedded inside the images

(Fritz, 2018). Therefore Boohoo must ensure keywords are separate from images, additionally, images can be further optimised by describing the content of an image via alt text (Fritz, 2018). However, Boohoo must establish relevant keywords to those being searched and to the target audience are being utilised to enhance their search ranking. Top searched keywords related to Boohoo’s top selling items, dresses and tops, can be seen in figure 4. Alternatively, Boohoo can also utilise long-tail keywords to avoid intense

competition to rank and increase the chance of a conversion (Fishkin, 2016). These keywords are phrases likely to be searched by Boohoo’s consumers, such as dresses under £10, which are not currently being utilised by Boohoo.

Figure 4: Top ranking keywords for Boohoo

Source: Google Adwords, 2018

Another strategy to better Boohoo’s search engine ranking is to increase the click-through- rates (Oakes, 2018). This can be achieved by developing Boohoo’s meta description to attract organic traffic (Rezabek, 2016). Boohoo’s current meta description fails to address all of the consumers being targeted such as mens and kids, see figure 5. Therefore to increase possibility of click-throughs the meta description will be adapted to include mens and kids and furthermore the discounts offered by Boohoo as a call to action to increase conversions.

As mentioned previously, one of the main influencers driving purchase decision is the

impact of a friends opinion. Therefore providing users with the ability to share Boohoo products via social media can reduce this barrier to purchase and enhance the rate of conversion. This will be achieved by hyperlinking social media icons such as Facebook,

Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest below the display of the product for users to share.

Figure 5: Boohoo Meta Description

Finally, offsite semantics such as quality back-links can also influence the Boohoo’s SEO (Moz, 2018). This will be achieved by building relationships with site owners such as bloggers by sending them promotional offers, clothes and general incentives to include Boohoo’s link on their page (Napier, 2018).

3.1c Getting Customers Interest, Desire and Action – Driving Traffic to the Site

Email marketing

One of the most effective ways to gain consumer interest is through email marketing. This allows Boohoo to create owned media content which can be tailored, tracked and targeted (Rettie & Chittenden, 2003). First of all, it is important to encourage website users to sign up to Boohoo’s mailing list. However, Boohoo only dedicates a small corner at the bottom of the website with limited appeal to the customer. In order to enhance the option of customer sign up a second sign up link will be added above the fold and incentivised with a promotion as seen in the new wireframe (Gao, 2018). An additional factor that will be incorporated to the sign up process is to request the users name and category of clothing they are interested in and double opting of their email. This allows Boohoo to personalise the email and increase the percentage of click through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10% (Courvoisier, 2017). The wire frame for the pop up box can be seen below, this will

be shown once the user clicks on the email sign up in the promotions banner. Additionally, for the first email letter can be seen in appendix 2.

Figure 6: Wireframe for email sign up

Sign up for Emails & get 15% off!!


Select category that interests you most: Womens



Thanks for Signing up!!

Your discount is on its way



Sign up!

The design of the first email aims to align with Boohoo’s target audience of women 16-30 years, whilst emails for men and kids will follow the same wireframe. Furthermore, the aesthetic aims to maintain Boohoo’s young and fun feel but also employing the simplicity strategy by increased whitespace as previously mentioned. In general Boohoo’s marketing emails will contain a concise subject length of no more than 10 words and be personalised to the users name. Furthermore, at least 8-16 links be embedded within the email and an option for social sharing will be incorporated into every email. These actions will increase the percentage of emails opened and engaged by users (MailChimp, 2018). Email updates will be sent to users 2 times a month. This aligns with the target audience as 54% of females 16-24 years buy clothes once a month or more (Sender, 2017). However mens and kids clothes are brought less frequently, therefore, will be sent updates once a month. Finally, the success of the marketing campaigns will be measured by open rates, click through rates and revenue per email.

Public Relations

Implementing a PR strategy cannot only attract users attention and drive traffic to the site but also improve the SEO ranking through credible backlinks (Morris-Warburton, 2017). The strategy to be executed will aim to promote Boohoo’s app and products via blogs, popular Snapchat publisher channels such as Refinery29 and People and other online journalists that align with Boohoo’s value proposition. The success rate for PR campaigns will be monitored via the percentage of visitors entry to the site from the relevant backlinks, landing page and subsequent conversion.

Social Media Marketing

Another type of owned media Boohoo should take advantage of is their social media pages. Boohoo operate social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and Snapchat. Utilising these platforms can be one of the most effective strategies for Boohoo to engage with their target audience and increase Boohoo’s awareness across social media (objective 2) (Bolsinger, 2018). Strategies implemented to generate increased consumer awareness include formatting products from the website to be shared, frequent trend and entertainment updates, competitions and influencer advertising. Additionally, Boohoo can leverage their collaborations with celebrities such as Zendaya and French Montana by creating content for social media such as interview/ challenge videos for YouTube. The table below illustrates the frequency of posting across Boohoo’s social media platforms to achieve maximum clicks and engagement in relation to their following (Patel, 2016).

Table 3: Social Media Posting Frequency


Frequency of Posting


2x daily


2x daily


3x daily


5-6x daily


1x month


3x weekly

Online advertising

This form of paid media can generate awareness, increase sales and drive customer loyalty for Boohoo (Cooper, 2018). This will be achieved through display advertising on third party sites, and retargeting. Firstly, display advertising campaigns will communicate to users  after  being  segmented  demographically,  behaviourally  and  contextually  using Google Display Network (Brooke, 2018). Therefore Boohoo can ensure third party sites which align with their brand values can be targeted, for example articles which use keywords such as fashion, beauty and makeup can be selected (Google Display Network,

2018). A mock-up of the display advert can be seen in figure 7. This advert aims to catch

the users eye by simply including the branding, promotional incentive and call-to-action. The design size is developed based on a mobile first approach and will subsequently be up-scaled to fit the desktop format. Additionally, this display advert will be run on affiliate sites which provide owners a commission of 7% on each sale. Finally, the low cost option of a static advert has been selected as Boohoo’s competitive advantage depends on reduced costs (Bloomberg, 2018). Therefore based on the success of the initial advert campaign developments into rich media designs will follow. Success of the campaign will be measured by monitoring conversions from the campaign and return on investment.

Figure 7: Boohoo Display Advert

Up to 20% off

Womens Clothing


Alternatively, retargeting adverts will be sent out to users based on the cookies collected. This aims to drive customer loyalty and can be a more cost effective approach for Boohoo to employ (Brooke, 2018).

Table 4: Companies Boohoo Will Collaborate With:




Silverpop will be utilised to send emails to Boohoo’s signed up users. This certified mailing server prevents Boohoo’s emails being transferred to the users junk or spam box (Rettie & Chittenden, 2003).

Google Analytics

Google Analytics will be used to monitor Boohoo’s usability metrics, website performance and promotional effectiveness.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner will be used to optimise Boohoo’s search engine position by enhancing the keywords used on the website and the App (Google Adwords, 2018).

Google Display Planner

Google Display planner will be used to develop and track the performance of display adverts.

Screaming Frog

The digital marketing agency Screaming Frog has been selected as Boohoo’s competencies do not lie within marketing. Screaming Frog have established connections with key publishers, bloggers, journalists & influencers to develop Boohoo’s PR strategy. Screaming Frog can also help develop Boohoo’s content strategy for the blog and YouTube channel (ScreamingFrog, 2018).

3.1d Generating Revenue

As briefly mentioned Boohoo will further take advantage of collaborations with celebrities to create content for social media. In addition to gaining customer awareness, Boohoo can also monetise from generating views. This is achieved by signing up to an AdSense account on YouTube to allow adverts to be run before and during videos (YouTube, 2018).

4. Section 4: Customer Service, Relationship and Loyalty Plan

In order to solidify Boohoo’s attracted target audience as loyal customers, CRM strategies will be implemented. This can be the most cost effective marketing technique for Boohoo to achieve the objectives set, such as increase web traffic and app downloads (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2016). Strategies to achieve these objectives involve the development of a email marketing and display campaigns. Additionally, a CRM strategy to improve Boohoo’s brand image and customer satisfaction will also be developed.

Firstly, existing customers who have signed up to Boohoo’s mailing list will be sent exclusive updates and promotional offers to drive traffic to the site. These offers can be segmented and customised to the loyalty of the customer based on the recency, frequency and monetary value of the user’s purchase (Chen et al., 2009). This aims to build an emotional connection with loyal customers and add value to the whole purchasing experience, aiming to reposition Boohoo’s customer relationships from utilitarian to holistic (Beyond, 2017). Furthermore, Boohoo can leverage the loyalty of established customers to cross-sell the app to (Cummins et al., 2016).

Customer loyalty will also be managed through the display advertising strategy. This will be

achieved by offering loyal customers greater promotions and personalising the advert to highlight  the  exclusivity  (see  appendix  3).  By  personalising  the  advert  Boohoo  can

increase the click through rate, memorability and engagement of customers (Sugrue,


In addition to email marketing and display adverts, Boohoo will increase participation in managing customer complaints. Complaints negatively effecting Boohoo’s brand image include YouTube videos such as ‘I spent $500+ on Boohoo this is what I got! really?’, which consequently received 2.1 million views (Bright, 2017). Converting these brand terrorists to brand advocates can be valuable to Boohoo as these users are content creators which can spread positive word-of-mouth to convert and attract other users (Johnston, 2012). In order to convert these users one-on-one strategies will be implemented. This includes, offering users money back, personalised offers, promising to make adaptions to the products or services and creating content to disprove complaints (Salesforce,  2018).  By  utilising  the  site  socialmention  the  sentiment  associated  with Boohoo can be measured and negative content can be traced and consequently managed (socialmention, 2018).

5. Section 5: Time Line for Promotion Strategies

Table 5: Boohoo Promotional Activities Timeline

Month of Year (2019)















Social Media











Social Media Marketing

As mentioned, paid, owned and earned media will be generated throughout the year via social media marketing. These platforms enable Boohoo to reach and engage with the target audience on a peer and low interruption level (Scott, 2015). Furthermore, Boohoo can connect with the target audience throughout the customer journey from gaining customer attraction to managing customer retention. Therefore paid social media, such as influencers, and owned media will be utilised to gain customer attraction and interest by creating content that is entertaining and original to increase shareability or earned media (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). In addition, social platforms will be utilised to build and recover relationships with consumers through CRM strategies.

Content Marketing

In addition to current content being created on the blog and on social media, content will also be created for Boohoo’s YouTube page at least once monthly. This frequency of posting aims to align with 16-24s increasing substitution of daily TV watching for YouTube videos (Flowers, 2017). Additionally, views can be increased by creating entertaining content and featuring well known personalities, such as Kylie Jenner’s friend Jordyn Woods, which Boohoo have previously collaborated with (Kunz & Hackworth, 2011). Furthermore, compelling and popular content created on YouTube can provide Boohoo with an additional source of generating revenue (Anderson, 2014).

Email Marketing

Supplementary to social media and content marketing, email marketing also provides Boohoo with a cost-effective way of engaging with consumers through owned media. Due to  the  target  audiences  monthly  consumption  of  fast  fashion  items,  this  promotional strategy will also be practiced throughout the year (Perks, 2017). Users will be offered promotions and exclusive information to increase customer retention, email marketing will also be utilised to cross-sell the app.

Display Advertising

This form of promotional strategy will be utilised less frequently in accordance with the four fashion seasons and target audiences spending propensity (WeConnectFashion, 2018). Display adverts will be placed on third party sites such as, Refinery29 and People magazine as well as through Boohoo’s affiliate scheme.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing will be utilised throughout the year, and closely managed. As Boohoo is a fast fashion company, product lifecycle’s are short. Therefore displayed adverts need to be regularly updated to ensure the alt tags lead to an existing landing page.

Public Relations

Finally, PR activities will also be staggered throughout the year which will focus on promoting the app and subsequent updates.

6. Section 6: The Future

As mentioned in the previous report, there has been an increasing growth of searching via visual recognition (Euromonitor, 2018). Boohoo will utilise this trend to form an additional feature within the app and on the website. Consequently, achieved by creating a search tool which allows users to upload a photo they have taken or a picture from the internet of an outfit, which decodes the image to match with similar Boohoo products. In order to optimise this search tool Boohoo will need to attach detailed descriptions within the images meta data (Euromonitor, 2018). This feature will also allow Boohoo to collect data on customer needs and wants, as a fast fashion producer Boohoo can consequently respond by creating highly search products.

Following the launch of the visual recognition feature Boohoo will implement extensive

marketing strategies to inform and educate consumers how to use it. Firstly, a start up guide will be developed to educate users through the process which be outlined on a newly dedicated landing page. Additionally, promotional activities will also be implemented. This includes, the creation of content across all social media platforms, PR and email marketing.

7. Conclusion

Overall, this report established strategies for Boohoo to implement in order to achieve objectives set from report 2. Specifically, strategies to enhance the usability of the website included adaptions to the drop down search bar, content and design which consequently enables Boohoo to decrease the site’s bounce rate. Alternatively, search engine optimisation strategies such as indexing keywords, improving the meta description, increasing use of long-tail keywords, quality back links and product social sharing were implemented. These strategies focus on increasing website traffic and Boohoo’s organic search position. Additionally, promotional strategies such as PR, display adverts, email and social media marketing can also increase the website traffic as well as increase customer awareness and app downloads. Finally, CRM strategies were also implemented to encourage customers to spread positive word-of-mouth and to maintain the success of the achieved objectives.

8. References

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Scott, D. M. (2015) The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. John Wiley & Sons.

Sender  (2017)  Clothing  Retailing  -  UK  -  October  2017  [Mintel],  Available  at:  http:// (Accessed: 16 April 2018)

StatCounter  (2016)  SEO  Basics:  Search  Engine  Market  Share,  Available  at:  https:// (Accessed: 15 April 2018)

Socialmention (2018) about, Available at: (Accessed:

17 April 2018)

Sugrue, C. (2017) Why personalised advertising is your lifeline in an age of ad-blockers, Available at: your-lifeline-age-ad-blockers (Accessed: 19 April 2018)

Tuten, T.L. & Solomon, M.R. (2015) Social media marketing, 2nd edn, SAGE Publications, London.

WeConnectFashion (2018) Fashion Buying Calendar, Sell & Delivery Dates, Available at: (Accessed: 18 April 2018)

YouTube (2018) Lesson: Earn money with YouTube, Available at: https:// link-2 (Accessed: 17 April 2018)

9. Appendix

Appendix 1: Boohoo Homepage MoodBoard


Appendix 2: Boohoo First Email Letter

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