Repositioning Assignment


Repositioning Assignment 

1. All students are required to complete the below assignment on an individual basis (50 points). Think ‘big picture’ (cultural, environmental factors, etc.) when answering the question. The deadline for submission is April 18th through Turnitin. Paper should be at least 4 pages, double-spaced; more detailed answers are preferred so don’t feel limited by a page count. 

2. Choose one of the following failed brand extensions that have been marketed or positioned poorly in the past. Create a new strategy to revitalize the marketing of this product to the same target market or an alternative one. Elements of target marketing, repositioning, product management, promotion, distribution, and price need to be addressed. 

Cosmopolitan yogurt Bic underwear Diet Coke Plus BenGay aspirin Coors Rocky Mountain Spring water Cheetos lip balm 

Please make sure to use Critical Thinking Rubric below as a guide for your submission. 

Not Proficient Some Proficiency Proficient Highly Proficient Points Received 

Identified & Explained Issues 

Fails to identify, summarize, or explain the main problem or question, or represents the issues inaccurately or inappropriately. 

Identifies main issues but does not summarize or explain them clearly or sufficiently. 

Successfully identifies and summarizes the main issues, but does not explain why/how they are problems or create questions. 

Clearly identifies and summarizes main issues and successfully explains why/how they are problems or questions and identifies embedded or implicit issues, addressing their relationship to each other. Recognizes Stakeholders & Contexts 

Fails to accurately identify and explain any empirical or theoretical context for the issues or presents problems as having no connections to other conditions or contexts. 

Shows some general understanding of the influences of empirical and theoretical contexts on stakeholders, but does not identify any specific ones relevant to situation at hand. 

Correctly identified all the empirical and most of the theoretical contexts relevant to all the main stakeholders in the situation. 

Not only correctly identifies all the empirical and theoretical contexts relevant to all the main stakeholders, but also finds minor stakeholders and contexts and shows the tension or conflicts of interests among them. 

Takes Intellectual Risks Stays strictly within the 

guidelines of the assignment. 

Considers new directions or approaches without going beyond the guidelines of the assignment. 

Incorporates new directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product. 

Actively seeks out and follows through on untested and potentially risky directions or approaches to the assignment in the final product. 

Evaluates Assumptions 

Fails to identify and evaluate any of the important assumptions behind the claims and recommendations made. 

Identifies some of the most important assumptions, but does not evaluate them for plausibility or clarity. 

Identifies and evaluates all the important assumptions, but not the ones deeper in the background—the more abstract ones. 

Not only identifies and evaluates all the important assumptions, but also some of the more hidden, more abstract ones. 

Innovative Thinking 

Merely restates existing ideas. 

Experiments with creating a novel or unique idea, format, or product. 

Actually creates a novel or unique idea, identifies a new void, or proposes a new product. 

Extends a novel or unique idea, question, format, or product to create new knowledge or knowledge that crosses boundaries. 

Repositioning Assignment 1. All students are required to complete the below assignment on an individual basis (50 points). Think ‘big picture’ (cultural, environmental factors, etc.) when answering the question. The deadline for submission is April 18th through Turnitin. Paper should be at least 4 pages, double-spaced; more detailed answers are preferred so don’t feel limited by a page count. 2. Choose one of the following failed brand extensions that have been marketed or positioned poorly in the past. Create a new strategy to revitalize the marketing of this product to the same target market or an alternative one. Elements of target marketing, repositioning, product management, promotion, distribution, and price need to be addressed. Cosmopolitan yogurt Bic underwear Diet Coke Plus BenGay aspirin Coors Rocky Mountain Spring water Cheetos lip balm 

Please make sure to use Critical Thinking Rubric below as a guide for your submission. 

s you osed add. it's safe, to stay as Notected Vey, Ina. (tit, 
Spring 2019 _11.11 i u • t n a ef Com. Code -RUM 
Prepare a report on inventory management and terms of buying for a particular retail organization in UAE. You are required to select a retail organization for this study and get it approved by teacher (through mail/telephone/in perso?). The indicative content list of the re,rt are as following: • Merchandise variety details • Kinds of inventory • Inventory management techniques used • Major buying locates 8. items • Terms of buying • Emerging trends in buying • Critical evaluation 
Please submit the assignment (properly arranged with assignment cover sheet) on or before April 11. 2019 positively. Please note that before the final submission, soft copy must go through turnitin checking for plagiarism. The total no. of words should not be less than 1500. 
LOs to be covered: 
L03: Evaluate various kinds of inventory management and terms of buying from vendors (15 marks) 
If you have references you are required to use APA referencing style. (For quick reference on APA style http,// ) POUCIES: SUC policies related to 'Plagiarism and 'Late submission' shall apply. 

Hello class,

Please use this type of preferred wording for Speech 5, the Special Occasion Speech.

Specific Purpose: to pay tribute to** ______ Grandma Moses on her 90th birthday.

Thesis: I will reflect upon the highlights of her life as well as the impact she had on me and others.

Preview: (at the end of the Introduction): I will pay tribute to Grandma Moses on her 90th birthday. I will reflect upon the highlights of her life as well as the impact she had on me and others.

Intro: no changes from the Info speech


a) the highlights of her life

b) the impact she had on me and others

Conclusion: no changes from Info speech


**You may use a variety of words here, depending on the occasion. Examples include:

To honor, to commemorate, to eulogize, to introduce, to thank, to inspire…

Please read the attached Checklist 5 carefully. Note the following: 

At least one language element (simile, metaphor, alliteration, antithesis, parallelism or repetition) is required in the speech.

You may only use note cards in this speech - no outlines or manuscripts are permitted. We need to be looking at the audience more regularly. I would like to have a full-sentence outline before you present.

Out of respect to your classmates, and since the speeches are so short, if you are more than 10 minutes late to class on speech day, you will not be presenting your speech that day, regardless of the excuse.   

No speeches will be heard on Exam Day (4/29). If you have not given your speech on the designated Speech Day(s), you will receive an Incomplete and will have to complete the course in the Summer term.

Also, if you still owe me a speech, there is a max of one speech presentation per student per day. I do not hear two speeches from the same student in one class session. That is a recipe for disaster. Thanks.

You have to remember that this type of speech is a short one and it is probably one page. Also, our professor told us yesterday that we will only have 3 to 4 minutes to give this speech.

I am thinking of giving classmates thank you speech and I would like to thank all of them for being more than classmates. Do you know what I am saying? Please if you agree to do, then you must make sure that you follow all the preferred words and other important requirements.

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