Steve Tritsch

Use statements that tie the answer to information to items learned in the chapter including direct quotes, definitions, and page numbers. You may also use Internet research material as well. (There should be some type of reference to validate each answer.) Format this section of your analysis using a bold font. 

Case Study: 1

Steve Tritsch was enjoying his first month as a full-fledged GM. He’d enjoyed his previous position at a large, downtown property in Philadelphia. In fact, his GM there had been a valuable reference for his new job. But it was exciting to now be out on his own. Although the Royal Court was a smaller property, with 198 rooms, it was still a full-service hotel with numerous strengths: it was in a prime location just off the expressway, it was a well-known brand with a national reputation, and it seemed to have an excellent, well-trained staff. The only real problem was financial. Apparently, the previous GM had not been able to turn those strengths into a sufficient number of bookings. Steve’s job was to keep expenses down, increase revenue as much as possible, and turn the Royal Court around. After 30 days on the job, he was well on his way to turning those goals into realities.
Then the letter from Lawhead, Alexander, and Fisk arrived. Apparently, a female guest had her purse snatched in the hotel’s parking lot three months ago, on June 4. Now her attorneys were threatening to file suit unless the Royal Court made restitution. They requested payment of $25,000 as compensation for their client’s loss of property, multiple injuries, and pain and suffering.
Steve took a deep breath. He knew what writing a check for $25,000 would do to his property’s struggling bottom line: $25,000 represented an awful lot of room nights—especially when his insurance deductible was twice that amount. But he also wondered if the letter might be nothing more than an empty threat. He had to get the facts.
First, he checked the previous GM’s files for any record of the incident. Although he did find one folder labeled “On-Premises Security,” it only contained a form letter of dismissal that had apparently been sent to all of the hotel’s security staff this past March, six months ago. He also paged through the previous GM’s planner and found no notations regarding a June 4 incident. Increasingly frustrated, he dialed his executive housekeeper, a 15-year veteran who seemed to have an almost infallible memory. “Ginnie, do you remember anything about a purse snatching earlier this year?” Steve asked.
“You’ll have to be more specific than that, Steve,” she said. “There was one in late winter that happened in the corridor upstairs, and there was another one in June. That was out in the parking lot.”
“So, it’s true,” Steve said. “A guest got injured during a purse snatching on our property.”
“Well, there were injuries,” Ginnie began, “but I seem to remember that she wasn’t exactly a guest. I’d want to check on that.”
“Thanks. I’ll take care of it,” ended Steve.
Steve picked up the letter and walked down to the front desk. Malia Etoise, another long-time staff member, was working this afternoon. “Hi, Malia. I need to find out if,” he glanced down at the letter, “a Lauren Heidegger was a guest here on June third or fourth.”
Malia entered the necessary information into her computer terminal. “Hmm,” she began, “I’m not showing a Lauren Heidegger or any Heideggers for those dates. But for some reason that name’s ringing a bell.”
“She’s claiming to have been the victim of a purse snatching on June 4,” Steve prompted.
“Oh, I remember that,” Malia said, nodding her head. “It was awful. She came running in here and her knees were bleeding and her dress was torn. Once all the other women heard about it, there was total chaos for a while.”
“All the other women?” Steve asked.
“Mrs. Heidegger was here for a women’s luncheon of some kind. I don’t remember all the details. But once the word spread, women just streamed out of the Briar Room and filled the lobby wanting to know everything that happened, wanting us to call the police.”
“Which you did, of course,” Steve stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
Malia paused for a moment. “Yes, that time I’m sure we did call the police.”
“That time? So, there were other incidents when you didn’t call the police?” Steve asked.
Malia rolled her eyes and nodded. “Not my choice. But the way it was explained to me was that all police calls show up in the newspaper, and your predecessor didn’t want that kind of publicity.”
Steve returned to his office and fell into his chair, not certain what his next step should be. It certainly sounded as if the incident had occurred on Royal Court property and that there were witnesses to that fact. But Mrs. Heidegger wasn’t a guest after all; maybe the property wasn’t liable. Besides, the previous GM hadn’t even felt the incident warranted a written record. At Steve’s former job, the hotel was large enough to afford a full-time security staff and he hadn’t paid much attention to their work. Now, it seemed the responsibility for security rested firmly on his shoulders, but he was stymied. “Maybe Carson has some advice for me,” Steve thought, recalling how his former boss had gone out of his way to be a mentor for him. He picked up the phone.
“That’s a tough spot,” Carson agreed. “But I’m sure you’ll handle it fine.”
“Great,” Steve said, sounding less than confident. “Where do I go from here?”
“I’ll lay it out for you,” Carson replied. “First, call the legal department at the corporate office. Let them know about the letter and that you’re researching the matter. They may ask a lot of questions you can’t answer yet, but you’ll get the answers as you continue the investigation.”
“To me the only real question is: do we settle or go to court?” Steve remarked curtly.
Carson calmly replied, “But you can’t answer that until you know how strong your position is. You need to find out whether your operation has taken ‘reasonable care.’ There aren’t any hard-and-fast rules about what that is—it can vary from community to community. You need to find out what reasonable care means for your location.
“First, contact the police department and get a computer print-out of all the calls made to your address. They can probably do it while you wait. Now, some incidents on that list may not really involve your hotel at all—maybe there was a car accident on the street and the driver came in to use the phone, that kind of thing. You’ll need to go through the list and find out which incidents do apply.
“Next, I’d call up the local newspaper and ask them to search their morgue for all of the stories with the name of your hotel in it. Chances are, any problems that would generate a police call would also show up in the newspaper. There might even be some mentions in the paper that didn’t involve the police. Give the newspaper’s librarian a couple of days to get the information you need.
“While you’re waiting, though, I’d recommend talking to some of the other GMs in your area. Ask them what types of crime problems they’ve had or are having. Some might not want to talk specifically about their own operation—you know, nobody wants to give the impression that their place isn’t as safe as can be—but you should be able to get a good feel about what kind of neighborhood you’re in.
“You’ve already started talking to your staff, and that’s good. I’d suggest that you do more of that. Just walk around and ask your people what incidents they might remember, what their overall impression is of hotel security and crime in the area.”
“Carson,” Steve interrupted, “you and I both know that perceptions aren’t always accurate. They’re subjective.”
“That’s true,” Carson replied. “But, accurate or not, do you want a dozen members of your staff on the witness stand telling a jury that they didn’t feel safe at the Royal Court Hotel? I don’t think so. Better to find out sooner than later.”
“I understand,” Steve sighed.
“One last thing,” Carson added. “Drive around your neighborhood and try to see it through the eyes of a plaintiff’s attorney who wants to prove negligence. Is yours the only property without a fence? Without security lighting? In other words, does it look as if you care about security?”
The next few days proved both valuable and anxiety-filled.
The police call sheet only noted the June purse snatching, not the late-winter incident that Ginnie remembered. But it also listed three car burglaries in the parking lot, one break-in during a wedding reception (in which the bride and groom’s wedding gifts and honeymoon luggage were stolen), some vending machine vandalism, and two calls in response to guestroom parties that resulted in property damage. All during the last 12 months.
The first local GM Steve called began the conversation by thanking his predecessor. “If he hadn’t let those three security officers go,” she said, “I’d still be reviewing résumés.” She went on to explain that a rise in criminal activity throughout the area had led most of the other hotels to actually increase their security. As far as she knew, Royal Court was the only property to eliminate staff—and she had immediately added two of them to her payroll. Another property down the road had hired the third security officer. “I think a lot of us felt he was just shooting himself in the foot,” she admitted. “Sure, he saved some money up front—and I know things have been tight for everybody—but¼” She didn’t have to finish the sentence. Steve was beginning to understand.
Other incidents surfaced once Steve began chatting with his staff. Some tires were slashed by vandals. Some fights erupted in the bar. Malia recalled that there had even been rumors that the Royal Court recently had a reputation as a favored place to buy drugs for dealers who wanted fast interstate access. That activity had diminished, though, when the Carriage Bridge Hotel across the street started offering doughnuts and coffee to the police working the night shift; the close proximity of a squad car was enough to scare the dealers away—at least at night. Unfortunately, that didn’t completely convince the staff at the Royal Court. Some employees continue to ask not to work the night shift and others only enter and leave the hotel in pairs.
The newspaper search only confirmed what Steve had already learned: the Royal Court had seen more than its share of security problems. Apparently, he’d just been lucky in not seeing any new incidents during his first 30 days on the job. He realized that luck was not good enough. Not only did he have to present the facts of his investigation to the corporate legal department along with his recommendation, he also had to implement an effective security program immediately.
With his notes in front of him, Steve picked up the telephone and placed a call to the corporate office.

Discussion Questions
  1.    What evidence can Steve share with the corporate legal department that would support a recommendation either to settle for $25,000 or to take the case to court?
  2.    What steps can Steve and his staff take to effectively reduce the number of security incidents at the Royal Court, while still working to keep expenses to a minimum?


Case Study – Discussion
Name of Student
Name of Professor


Question No 1.
            Steve Tritsch was appointed as a full-pledged GM and he was enjoying his first month at the Royal Court Hotel. Royal property with approximately 198 rooms was a small property. The Hotel provided full service and it was a well-known brand and it was the hotel with the best reputation. But there was a problem in that hotel and that problem was the issue of finance. The goal of Steve was to turn the expenses down and he was doing well in achieving that goal. The issue, in this case, was about the letter that arrived from the law head in which there was a case of purse snatching of female guests in the hotel parking. Her attorneys were threatening to pay the compensation otherwise, they will file suit. They wanted to receive $25,000 as compensation, because of loss of property, pain, multiple injuries, and suffering. This was a tremendous amount and he was in shock but he thought that the letter could be an empty threat so he should know about facts. He investigated for a long time from different staff members that what happened that day. The question that arises here is that what evidence can Steve share that would support the recommendations either to pay that amount or to take case to court.
            There is a problem either to settle compensation of $25,000 or to take this case to court. The hotel is liable for the injury or damages because this incident happened in their parking lot. So, Hotel management is responsible for the damages. The reports from all the conflicts should be shown to the police and the current situation should be explained. As the previous GM and predecessor of Steve did not take action and he destroyed the security of the Hotel. Steve has to take action regarding the matter of safety and to pay compensation (Hotel Injuries and personal Injury Lawsuits, 2018). This incident happened in the boundary of the Hotel so hotel management is liable for the compensation. It is the mistake of the previous GM that he did not take serious actions regarding this matter. The lady should give evidence about the thief that how he looked like. The police should investigate in order to catch that thief. On the other hand, hotel management is liable to pay for the damages. The current GM should pay the amount of $25,000 to the lady, while this case should be opened for further investigation about the thief. Premises liability law is legally applicable and hotel is liable in this case.
            The law which will be applicable in this case is premises liability law, which states that property owner and management are responsible for injury or damages of that person. The management must take serious efforts to maintain a safe environment for their visitors and guests so that they do not suffer from any damages. So there is a recommendation that the hotel management should compensate her with the amount that is required by her lawyers. They have given the threat to take this case to court. To avoid this threat, they should pay her amount for compensation (Premises Liability, 2020).
            The issue is about the case of injury or property damage. Hotel management is liable for the damages because this incident happened in their boundary. They should consider serious actions to solve this issue. Recommendations are provided in this case, and Law is given which is helpful in this case. There are various applications of this law that how it can be applied in other cases.
Question 2
            The execution of this case study was based on security issues. This past March Hotel’s security staff received a letter of dismissal. The only real problem was financial resources. Steve’s hotel’s manager, the job was to minimize expenses as much as he can so that he can increase the ratio of revenue. The main problem took place when someone snatched a purse from one of their female guests on July 4. Now that women’s attorneys were intimating to file suit so that Royal Court would grant a strict compensation. They demanded payment of $25,000 as reimbursement for the loss of their client’s property, and serval injuries. They were already facing financial crises; Steve took a deep breathe because he knew inscription of a check for $25,000 could do so much to his struggling bottom line of the property. He thought what if this letter is just a piece of threat and nothing more so he made mind to gather the facts first. Steve needs to hire more responsible staff.
            The rules can be applied if the injury and snatching are claimable. The law which has been made for the client’s safety states that the hotel management is liable for any damage or snatching which had taken place in a hotel’s limitation so then they have to make compensation. Because it’s the legal duty of hotels to secure their guests and clients from any harm (Charles, 2018). Someone snatched the purse of that lady in the parking lot which was a property of hotel so according to law, it’s the foremost duty of the hotel to pay the compensation of the requested amount. The hotel can minimize the collected amount of payment if they have any evidence relevant to the incident.

            According to the mentioned law, it is essential to claim the injury and snatching process. Because rendering the client’s safety law, it is vital to give evidence which can prove that the snatching process has taken place. Witness statements play an imperative role in this compensation process. According to the lady, someone snatched her purse and she got injured too but at the same time, she had to give some confidential proofs relevant to the incident. Steve had done some digging and he got nothing to expect a closed file of this case (Butler, 2019). They also called the legal department to solve this problem because they were already facing various financial issues so it was essential for them to confirm the incident in case of paying a compensated amount of $25,000.
            The conclusion which has been made according to the execution of this case determines the fact that the hotel would be responsible for paying the amount if the lady would give proofs which can state that she got snatched in the hotel parking lot. Because according to the client security law, the lady must describe the incident as a whole and give evidence, then she can get the compensation amount. This can also help Steve to reduce the security issues by analyzing such cases.


Butler, J. (2019, February 16). Articles Posted in Hotel Management Agreements. Retrieved from JMBM:
Charles, R. (2018, December 14). Hotel Accidents and Injury Claims: How to Seek Compensation. Retrieved from claimcoach:
Hotel Injuries and personal Injury Lawsuits. (2018, March 2). Retrieved from rmfwlaw:
Premises Liability. (2020). Retrieved from justia: